Obama action figure?

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Obama: Action Figure, or Figure of Action?

I'm just saying, at this point he's just a celebrity. I find it pathetic that, thus far, he is so adored for doing nothing.
Despite the fact that I support his presidency, I totally agree. And also I suspect he's gonna get screwed by this because he is not in fact the messianic figure that people tell themselves he is and he cannot wave his hand and fix the economy.
Apparently neither of you follow the news, considering he's had quite an active first week in office.
Seriously. Let's check the list so far:

* Due to the economic crisis, the President enacted a pay freeze for Senior White House Staff making more than $100,000 per year, as well as announcing stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists in an effort to raise the ethical standards of the White House

* revoked Executive Order 13233, which had been initiated by the Bush administration to limit access to the records of former United States Presidents

* issued executive orders and presidential memoranda reversing President Bush's ban on federal funding to foreign establishments that allow abortions (known as the Global Gag Rule)

* changed procedures to promote disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act

* directed the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq

* signed an executive order announcing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp within a year, and "Immediate Review of All Guantánamo Detentions"

* signed into force a prohibition on using torture and other illegal coercive techniques, such as waterboarding during interrogations and detentions

* issued an executive order entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel", governing the limitations on hiring of employees by the executive branch to qualified individuals only, and placing very tight restrictions on lobbying in the White House

* gave the go-ahead for missile strikes against suspected militants in Pakistan

* signed two Presidential Memoranda concerning energy independence. One directed the Department of Transportation to establish higher fuel efficiency standards before 2011 models are released, and the other allowed states to raise their emissions standards above the national standard, an idea rejected by the Bush administration

I think he's well on his way to 'proving himself' so far.
Also, I'm not saying all of those are necessarily good, but most are, and it shows that he's at least getting shit done.
Yes, but you could play the other card and go 'He's only getting shit done in the first week to give people the facade that he's all about change, but won't come through with other, bigger shit' which is what opponents would say
Too early to know that right now. I'm just pointing out that he's done some great stuff already.
I would attack some things I see coming up but I will wait until he actually does them. He obviously is going to get a lot done as a president, but so did Bush. Change isn't always progress.

* Due to the economic crisis, the President enacted a pay freeze for Senior White House Staff making more than $100,000 per year, as well as announcing stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists in an effort to raise the ethical standards of the White House

Sounds good, not really enough details to make a call though.

* revoked Executive Order 13233, which had been initiated by the Bush administration to limit access to the records of former United States Presidents


* issued executive orders and presidential memoranda reversing President Bush's ban on federal funding to foreign establishments that allow abortions (known as the Global Gag Rule)

Bad. The Federal Gov't shouldn't be funding any establishments for abortion purposes, foreign or domestic.

* changed procedures to promote disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act


* directed the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq

We won't fully withdraw, not to mention it's merely a misdirectional ploy as we are taking the personnel pulled out of Iraq and dropping them into Afghanistan. He is still carrying with same globalist interference. Would be good but it's not going to happen.

* signed an executive order announcing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp within a year, and "Immediate Review of All Guantánamo Detentions"


* signed into force a prohibition on using torture and other illegal coercive techniques, such as waterboarding during interrogations and detentions

Good, but will it just go on undercover? Obviously not something that could be blamed on Obama but I really question the value of this one.

* issued an executive order entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel", governing the limitations on hiring of employees by the executive branch to qualified individuals only, and placing very tight restrictions on lobbying in the White House

Not enough details on this one to make a decision.

* gave the go-ahead for missile strikes against suspected militants in Pakistan

Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. Can't say it enough.

* signed two Presidential Memoranda concerning energy independence. One directed the Department of Transportation to establish higher fuel efficiency standards before 2011 models are released, and the other allowed states to raise their emissions standards above the national standard, an idea rejected by the Bush administration

If Obama was serious about energy independence, we would also be tapping the oil field in the Dakotas and aggressively working on more nuclear/wind/solar technologies as opposed to just asking for improved emissions/fuel mileage.

I am waiting to see if he brings back the "Fairness Doctrine"( bad thing) or repeals the Patriot Acts (hell would probably freeze over first but anyway). If he repeals the Patriot Acts, I will ignore misguided "green" policies in my overjoyed state, for a little while anyway.
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