Obama action figure?

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Almost everyone famous has an action figure already. George W. Bush has one as well and has had one since he gained a lot of coverage during the campaigns before he won his first term in office.

I'd wager that you never complained about him not proving himself before receiving the hallowed honor of having an action figure made in his likeness, and he never really accomplished anything that was amazingly positive during his time in office either so maybe they need to revoke his right to appear in poseable plastic miniature form.
If you're really not bitter, how come the only person that you've targeted about having an action figure made of them is the guy that you didn't want to win the election? Many other people who didn't accomplish anything important have action figures, yet you are only complaining about Obama.

Oh, and before I forget, when you walk past the toy section in the store, do you inspect the action figures and complain to the employees of the store that some of them aren't worthy?
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