The Official Angela Gossow Diet

Yeah. But I went there because we have a history of an overactive Thyroid gland in our family and I had some of the symptoms of an overactive Thyroid, so had the first blood test and was told that. Oh well. It doesn't bother me.

Dude, if you have a "thyroid storm", which is a overflow of T3 and T4, you MUST go to the doctor. This is grave. Even deadly. The thyroid gland being one of the largest gland of the body, you souldn't say it " doesn't bother you". Paralysis and cardioembolic stroke can happen. you know.
I went to the Doctors and was told that I was borderline underactive. Besides, my Doctor sadly isn't renouned for being the most competant.
I don't know too much about it, either. The stepmom also has a bad lifestyle. She's a chain-smoker, lives on sugar-loaded coffee, donuts, danishes, chocolate, etc. and rarely eats "real" food. She starves herself otherwise to make my dad happy. He's super anal about weight. He's always a critic and tells me I have to lose weight.

But anyway yeah, she has an enlarged heart, too. Not from smoking!

my cat died from hyperthyroid and old age :(
I like cheesesteaks <3

I would have to concur. Those things do rock mighty heavily :kickass:

Once made a road trip in college for the sole purpose of getting said cheesesteaks. We stopped in D.C. and touched a piece of the moon on the way back. :p
PROTIP: Just because a band is more famous doesn't make them better.

:lol: He will laugh at you. Even as he is now, which is not as great as he once was, he'd still destroy you.

+2 for both parts

bla... It's a weird 6th sense kind of thing.

Quit this stupid shit. You do not have telepathic or spiritual powers. In fact, they have linked Epilepsy to "spiritual experiences" like I remember you mentioning about your dead relative. Sorry if this sounds random, but all this astrology/religion/spirituality/telepathic stuff is horse shit. Understanding others body language and behaviour is something most people are able to do, its not a 6th sense. In fact, I believe I am able to understand a person better just by observing their behavior and tendencies. Do I claim to have special abilities? No.
Damn. For a while I had to have blood samples taken every six months at the Doctors because I was told that my Thyroid gland (The gland that controls your Metabolism) was borderline underactive. I stopped going because I don't enjoy blood samples at all and although I'm not completely happy with my weight I'm not fat at all like I should be with that thyroid problem. So I have no idea what the fucking Doctor was on about. I've put it down to being complete rubbish.

same thing has happened to me. and having an under-active thyroid is called hypothyroidism and we should gain weight easily because of it. I was told to take a pill every day to control it, but i don't because i'm not at all fat (or have any of the other symptoms, like dry hair and dry skin) and don't wanna lose any weight with that pill!! but it's weird how we're in the same situation. in fact, i have another blood test for this on friday :erk: it's so pointless.
Quit this stupid shit. You do not have telepathic or spiritual powers. In fact, they have linked Epilepsy to "spiritual experiences" like I remember you mentioning about your dead relative. Sorry if this sounds random, but all this astrology/religion/spirituality/telepathic stuff is horse shit. Understanding others body language and behaviour is something most people are able to do, its not a 6th sense. In fact, I believe I am able to understand a person better just by observing their behavior and tendencies. Do I claim to have special abilities? No.

Sir, you're neither in my head nor do you want to be. You don't "know". You think. You believe. You don't know. Believe what you want but don't impose it on me.

I thought I made it clear enough but I guess not. It's a sensation past bare visuals and language. It's not human observation at all. It's more of a karmic/aura-like force which is carried with the body and whatever language is being used.. Only some people possess it, or possess it in an intensity which triggers something that tells me to look further into the individuals.

Epilepsy is also linked to auras and visions before, during, after and between certain cycles of seizures. I see auras regularly but it's normal. I was born with it so it's not some kind of huge epiphany.

When visual, lingual, karmic and aura-like forces are all present around one person- THAT is the "6th sense".

Now stop being so damn touchy! It's good to know this year-old topic about me still bothers you enough to bitch about. Let it go.
Fun Fact: I was wondering if someone would try to wipe the gunk off their computer screen not realizing the gunk is really my piercing in my avatar.

Sir, you're neither in my head nor do you want to be. You don't "know". You think. You believe. You don't know. Believe what you want but don't impose it on me.

I thought I made it clear enough but I guess not. It's a sensation past bare visuals and language. It's not human observation at all. It's more of a karmic/aura-like force which is carried with the body and whatever language is being used.. Only some people possess it, or possess it in an intensity which triggers something that tells me to look further into the individuals.

Epilepsy is also linked to auras and visions before, during, after and between certain cycles of seizures. I see auras regularly but it's normal. I was born with it so it's not some kind of huge epiphany.

When visual, lingual, karmic and aura-like forces are all present around one person- THAT is the "6th sense".

Now stop being so damn touchy! It's good to know this year-old topic about me still bothers you enough to bitch about. Let it go.

inb4 you become one of those homeless ladies who scream at people. Honestly, I think you're nuts... not in a harmful way, but still nuts nonetheless.

Fun Fact: I was wondering if someone would try to wipe the gunk off their computer screen not realizing the gunk is really my piercing in my avatar.

Yep, you are fucking nuts :lol:
inb4 you become one of those homeless ladies who scream at people. Honestly, I think you're nuts... not in a harmful way, but still nuts nonetheless.

Yep, you are fucking nuts :lol:

That's fine by me. I can't wait to meet and cast my gypsy love spell on you so I can make you victim of my trap.
That's fine by me. I can't wait to meet and cast my gypsy love spell on you so I can make you victim of my trap.

:lol: If we met I would probably be captivated by you, but not in the way you think :p We would have fun though, I am pretty sure anyways. :lol: By the way, I actually do like girls with penises so there would be no need for any spells if that is the case :loco:
:lol: If we met I would probably be captivated by you, but not in the way you think :p We would have fun though, I am pretty sure anyways. :lol: By the way, I actually do like girls with penises so there would be no need for any spells if that is the case :loco:
"If we met I would probably be captivated by you, but not in the way you think"-
That sums up my relationship with every guy I know. Some of them are dumb though and think it's in "that" way... til they grow a brain and realize I'm totally wrong for them :lol:

Of course we'd have fun. There would be a Nikki and me and a Nikki's brother Phil and all the other fuckers who would surely tag along.

I lol'd
*bump* get on the ground and tell me if these exercises stretch your fucking cheek muscle, bumfuckass.

There are some exercises we used at football training:

Stretching you right cheek:

1.) While standing:
- stand on the left leg
- lift the right leg, embrace your right knee in front of your body with both hands. Stand straight all the time.
- slowly pull the knee in the direction of the shoulder on the other side (e.g.: pull your right knee in the direction of the left shoulder)
-> if you have trouble with the balance: try to focus one single point or just lean against a wall with your back

2.) While sitting on the ground:
- left leg lies straight on the ground
- cross the right leg over the left and place your right foot on the left side beneath your left knee. Your left leg should be straight and your right leg should be angled now.
- use your left elbow to press your right knee towards your left body side.

You have to fuck around a bit with the positions to find the perfect stretch (every body is different).
Tell me if that helped.
same thing has happened to me. and having an under-active thyroid is called hypothyroidism and we should gain weight easily because of it. I was told to take a pill every day to control it, but i don't because i'm not at all fat (or have any of the other symptoms, like dry hair and dry skin) and don't wanna lose any weight with that pill!! but it's weird how we're in the same situation. in fact, i have another blood test for this on friday :erk: it's so pointless.

Hmmm. I know that it means I should gain weight easily but I eat a lot of junk food and I'm not fat. I didn't know any of the other sypmtoms but I don't have dry hair or skin either. So yeah, we are kind of in the situation although I only had to continue having the blood samples because being bordeline meant that I didn't need any medication at the time but that I would definitely develope an underactive Thyroid at some point. It's kind of nice to have someone in a similar situation though.