The Official Angela Gossow Diet

Like... when I'm standing on one leg, and turning around while I keep my foot on the exact same place:p

I have the same same problem. With my (minor) scoliosis), when I turn, my ribs poke in my organs (no shit) and it hurt like a mother fucker. Maybe it's the same thing for you. If it doesn't bother you in your everyday life, don't pay much attention (maybe go see a doctor just to be sure), but if it prevent you from doing some things, you must do something about it. One thing I learnd about living with a physical problem is that you CANNOT think it will not get worse. It will most case.
Actually, no, i dont like dethklok so much at all, i said OMGALEXI to immitate the fanboiism here, and dont listen AE so much anymore. I'd just be gay for michael amott, s'all.

Kerry King = shit
At the gates = worse
Zakk Wylde uses too much pinch harmonics, its just annoying
cob = ... yeah, cob ~~
Oh, ok.

Well, those 3 I mentioned- regardless of whether you dig or not CoB wouldn't exist without them, at least not with this sound. Plus, the real deal is... it's not who you know directly, it's who they know and they know, etc. Not every one of those dudes I'd chill with on the weekends but they're decent. I've met a lot of guys who'd be great connections but they're assholes... and I choose to avoid talking to them. I'd rather do things on my own than be associated with douches. It also doesn't matter how good they are, it's who they are in the end.

That is, seriously, the people I'm not friends with. I've got a different few who I geniunely like and want in my life.
It's a blood disease.

The iron in your blood turns to lead in your ass.

No really, lunges and stairs. go to the tallest office building in boston, and do the stairs. all of them. use high leg lifts, ankle weights if you want. i gotta go and do that shit now. damn.
I love climbing stairs. Skipping stairs... until my knees buckle from cracking too many times.
I eat 500g of butter, 6 slices of bread and a whole cheese everyday and i rather skinny. If i would go on that diet, i would probably cease to exist, infact, i would probably have a negative weight, and the universe would implode.
I'd have a real opinion but I don't know anyone with metabolism like that. My skinny friends are all anorexic. Socialite/fashion-obsessed freaks.
Seen as some of you here know a-fucking-lot about exercises etc etc, is it normal that my hips hurt extremely much when I turn my legs about... 90degrees outwards?:guh:
Um... do you get enough calcium? That could be a combo bone and cartilage problem. Also, cartilage is more than 50% water, so drinking a lot of that helps, if you don't already.

When I first started dancing, the ballet turnouts killed... my knees, not my hips so much. Um... if you haven't, try it with your back arched-hips out and then straight back-hips under. See if there's a difference. From there you might be able to pinpoint the problem, if it really is a problem.
I'd have a real opinion but I don't know anyone with metabolism like that. My skinny friends are all anorexic. Socialite/fashion-obsessed freaks.

I thought someone would've noticed that i exaggerated a bit :lol:
alcohol is a big NO-NO, as it slows down metabolism, makes you crave and eat a bunch of fatty crap and is in itself pure sugar and evil carbs. stay away from it! i havent had a drop - not even wine - since a long time.
not even. I've been drinking since I was 14, and I've always been skinny. And when i say "drink" i mean it. i used to out drink most guys when they challenged me. and i'm not exactly proud of it now, tbh.
If that's the case, Kerry King, At The Gates, Zakk Wylde. CoB's shit compared to those guys but anyway... are you doing in here??? that's just blasphemy.

I mentioned who it's from because I know a lot of people question how the hell she's so tiny and still alive.
oh pulease. I'm 5'8 and 103 pounds. and i can eat WHATEVER i want and i don't play any sports. just once in a while i go jogging with my dad. and i've NEVER had any eating disorders. that shit is sick and ppl who have it scare the hell out of me. i lost a friend because she used puke up her food and wouldn't stop. i just don't wanna associate with someone like that.

I eat 500g of butter, 6 slices of bread and a whole cheese everyday and i rather skinny.
:lol: yeah something like that for me too :lol:
not even. I've been drinking since I was 14, and I've always been skinny. And when i say "drink" i mean it. i used to out drink most guys when they challenged me. and i'm not exactly proud of it now, tbh.

She's go it wrong. Drinkin' slows down your metabolism = it mean you eat less (even when you're not drunk)(even when you need it). So if you drink a lot, you eat less = weight loss (the carbs you get from beers doesn't compensate (around 150 carbs from a 5% beer, much get into piss 'cause of deshydrataion)).

Edit: At the Gates makes me cum.
I eat dispatched fetuses. Is this healthy?

By the way...

Altitudes: Actually there is this Independent Chinese film where the storyline involved a woman who performed back street abortions and sold some of the babie's organs to clients who ate them cooked because they were supposed to have age reducing qualities. Of course it isn't true. But in general, you can't get more Metal than eating alive or dead babies...

I thought someone would've noticed that i exaggerated a bit :lol:
Ya never know on this board.
not even. I've been drinking since I was 14, and I've always been skinny. And when i say "drink" i mean it. i used to out drink most guys when they challenged me. and i'm not exactly proud of it now, tbh. are you doing in here??? that's just blasphemy.

oh pulease. I'm 5'8 and 103 pounds. and i can eat WHATEVER i want and i don't play any sports. just once in a while i go jogging with my dad. and i've NEVER had any eating disorders. that shit is sick and ppl who have it scare the hell out of me. i lost a friend because she used puke up her food and wouldn't stop. i just don't wanna associate with someone like that.

:lol: yeah something like that for me too :lol:
Hey, a good majority of people gain weight from drinking. Look at a lot of bands who drink every night on tour, and compare to pics of them in studio, for example. There's usually a difference.

I started posting cause Nikki was around a lot and I thought it'd be fun to take part in the retardation. I'm not around as often as before cause life is more chaotic now. There's no rule saying you have to worship Bodom in order to post. They're not a metal institution at all. They don't have a Reign in Blood, Slaughter of The Soul or ridiculous world-wide fame. They're very good, but by no means legendary.

I'll see Alexi on April 24th. I'm challenging him to a dual.

Whatever does it for ya. If you can eat whatever and still manage that tiny frame then more power to ya. The point is- she's in the limelight and has gotten plently of heat over her weight. It's not a general statement about thin girls.
She's go it wrong. Drinkin' slows down your metabolism = it mean you eat less (even when you're not drunk)(even when you need it). So if you drink a lot, you eat less = weight loss (the carbs you get from beers doesn't compensate (around 150 carbs from a 5% beer, much get into piss 'cause of deshydrataion)).

Edit: At the Gates makes me cum.
Um... no. Slower metabolism doesn't mean eating less. It means slower and weaker digestion of foods. The slower the metabolism, the longer foods stay in the digestive system. The longer they're in the digestive system, the more fat is absorbed. The stomach filters it the same. Plus, drinking usually leads to the munchies which leads to eating junk.

That's a generalization. That's for most people.
Angela should have said : Alcohol = sugar. Then ok we all know that we gain weight (and a little tummy:p) when we drink (but you really have to drink very often). But instead she says that your metabolism slows down... maybe but I don't like that kind of unhealthy reasoning. She's still sick...
In the context of the questions I had, it was an accurate response. She does mention the sugar, but slower metabolism is also a great factor in the topic at hand- weight loss. Also, she covered sugar almost immediately, a couple times through the email. It was more important to point out metabolism first in that section because it wasn't mentioned before.

Slow metabolism is an enemy of weight loss and general health. Your body absorbs toxins in foods you wouldn't otherwise if you have a faster metabolism.
The best tip I can give- don't talk about their job. Who wants to talk about work constantly? Bringing up gear and shit like that usually isn't so intriguing, either. That's from my experiences. If you've got something to discuss that you think is of interest to them and you don't phrase your message in a threatening way, toss it out there and perhaps they'll respond.

Smartchild bot has spoken. She's a trap too.

Why would you even want to talk to a "famous" person, a person you don't know and probably will never know, about "everyday stuff"? That's fine if you've met them and are somewhat aquainted, but otherwise it seems a bit stalkerish, like talking to them for the sake of talking to a celebrity. I've mailed some guitar dudes that are famous amongst guitarists, but i've only talked about music/guitar, otherwise i'd just talk to my friends.
^ My boyfriend is exactly the same as that but too skinny in his opinion. He just needs to eat more munchie food. Or have more alcohol.
Damn him.