The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Hello everyone, here is a band that you have to listen to if you love symphony x and good music...

Hello everyone, nothing’s up, we’re still working on the 2nd album…a
new version of our website should be available beginning year 2005.
Besides, 2 samples live are available in MP3's section.
We wish you the best for 2005!


some bands that im not in, but still rule and u all need to be aware of ...
Vivien Lalu's stuff ...
Arsis - great melodic death metal with an amazing guitarist.
Alarum - melodic death metal/progressive jazz. yes, it is possible.
Dreamscape - damn. just damn. :cool:

and one of the bands that i am in ... Aborted Existence . sorry, its melodic death metal, so you won't find the word 'dream' anywhere on that site, but still check it out. there are 3 songs available to download with their old drummer, but we are starting to record a 10 or so track album on a 16 track digital recorder in like 2 weeks, so its gonna sound much better (i get 8 mics on my drums!!) i'll let ya know when the album's out, we're hoping for sometime in March. it'll definately be something awesome to check out.

**NOTE** ...not taking anything away from any band with the word "dream" in their name. dream theater and definately Dreamscape are 2 of my favorite bands, i just meant that as a warning to all of you "dream-freaks" out there. no dreams here. all reality. sorry. :cool:
Kronikle66 said:
Magus' Theme. I remember when I first got Chrono Trigger for SNES, I would have Magus join my party over and over just to hear his theme. It was so god damn awesome! So dark and kickass! MASTERPIECE! (all of Chrono Trigger was a masterpiece)


ive always been a much bigger final fantasy fan myself (playing X at the moment), but square has always had the best video game music ever. The Castlevania series also has good music.
kosh said:
@cryptakeys: Good stuff, not quite my personal taste of music, but still good work. :headbang:

@PMA: Also really cool music. I downloaded Mirror and Journey, and I don't think the guitars are too thin. They fit to the rest of the sound quite well.

You can reach my band's homepage by clicking on my sig.
Here are two tracks from our debut album "Sunborn"
The Awakening

My Prison In Time

On our homepage you can find more samples, if you're interested.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
arglebargle said:
Hey, does anyone here love the music from the video game Chrono Trigger? I sure as hell do. In fact, I did a re-arrangement of the Zeal theme, check it out if you feel so inclined.
Chrono Trigger's music is awsome, I personally, like the song for the important fights (like son of the sun in the future), check out Chrono Cross's musc too, is awsome, I have it on cd, and ripped it to my PC :D
eboles said:
Hello everyone.
We are a Bay Area progressive metal band looking to release a new CD next month. We are also playing a CD release party out in Pleasanton on 2.26.
Please take a look at our web site. You can find MP3s on our music link.



Your band name is not prog

Rule # 34. Make sure your bandname is either a
a) Oxymoron
-Silent Noise
-Tender Harshness
-Healing Gun
Some geeky sounding name ripped from some obscure book.
c) Random combination of at least 2 three-syllable words.
-Eternal Twilight Tranquility (Can`t get much progger than that)
-Redolent Arithmetic
-Evolution of Vernacular Domesticated

How about changing it to "Non-Conservative Vectorfields" :D (I know "vectorfields" is two words but joining them is more prog )

Seriously though, that's some good stuff. Keep it up :headbang:
Hey there Ofsinsandshred...

How did I do this and who did what?

Well. I did all the composing, producing, keys, sampling, mixing, guitars. Almost it ALL. I had some people to record all the classical instruments, drums and vocals. And then it all was up to me and protools.

First I did the arragments in a seq. called musicator, where you can work out a whole score. I think the program is alot like sebelius, but I prefer Musicator. All the "real" instruments was recorded to a "click-track", programmed in musicater.

I work with 2 PC's. An OLD pentium 2 with musicator, and it's "rock" solid. On that Pc I do all of my midi programming. And then I got a second computer with a Digi001 soundcard. On that computer I got protools and do all of the audio recording and mixing.

My guitar setup is. Mesa amp, and mesa triaxis preamp, Marshall caminets. A Ibanez 7 string RG serie and a Ibanez Jem 555 steve Vai model. I did all the leads on my 7 string and all the rythm on my Jem.
Hey everyone, I'd just like to take a moment and mention my band.

It sux though, so I'm not gonna include a link. Oh well... Maybe one day I'll join a real band.

im stoopid sumtimes
I just thought I'd submit this for the sheer heck of it.

On a crazy whim, I decided to try and sing like James LaBrie in "Lie". Yesterday, I was nuts enough to actually record it. This was not a good thing...especially for a woman.

God, my throat STILL hurts. Remind me NEVER to do that again. EVER.

I was NOT--repeat NOT--taking myself seriously at the time of recording this, and I ask you to approach this in the same way. I'll go ahead and say that it sucks so that you don't have to tell me. ;)

(Except for one LITTLE bit in the middle where I think I halfway had it...and then I lost it again...)
arglebargle said:
Hey, does anyone here love the music from the video game Chrono Trigger? I sure as hell do. In fact, I did a re-arrangement of the Zeal theme, check it out if you feel so inclined.

OMG i just listened to it. I LOVE, and i mean LOVE!, music like that. I am going to search for the CHrono Trigger OST. I have to buy it.

That piece reminded me of a musical duo that had a great impact on my life. It is a group called "Adiemus" featuring the composer Karl Jenkins and the singer Miriam Stockley. If you like the music of Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger then you will like Adiemus as well. The music leans more towards celtic music, but it is still amazing.

Here is a link to one of thier best albums. Tracks 1 and 5 are my favorites.

Samples from Amazon