The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Well, I dunno if anyone listened to Dementia Radio, but I did do a couple of kickass interviews with Mike Lepond, well to make a long story short, Dementia Radio is closing up shop, and my last show will be tomorrow (Sunday) starting at 7pm EST.. Hopefully some Sym X fans will tune in :)
PMA said:
OK, ill be the first to say "check out my band" at We had one of our tracks included in the ProgPower compilation CD this year. Would appreciate feedback on our music.


It's pretty good. I listened to the sample of "Mirror In the Sky". I liked it.
In light of all the DT v. SymX debate going on, I decided to bring something up that's a little lighter, and might even get a few laughs from DT fans and non-fans alike.

Rose Immortal said:
On a crazy whim, I decided to try and sing like James LaBrie in "Lie". Yesterday, I was nuts enough to actually record it. This was not a good thing...especially for a woman.

I am only just now--over a week after I recorded this--getting over the sore throat!!!

It's actually occurred to me that I could get better with this if I practiced at it...that is, if I could figure out how to practice without doing damage to my vocal cords...
Rose Immortal said:
In light of all the DT v. SymX debate going on, I decided to bring something up that's a little lighter, and might even get a few laughs from DT fans and non-fans alike.

I am only just now--over a week after I recorded this--getting over the sore throat!!!

It's actually occurred to me that I could get better with this if I practiced at it...that is, if I could figure out how to practice without doing damage to my vocal cords...

You sound like you are trying WAAAAY too hard to sing.
LOL, yeah, I was completely screwing around. I have no intentions of attempting to record like that again unless I somehow get to where I can do it without the serious vocal strain. Did I EVER regret that afterwards. ;)

Someday I may post something that's more typical of my vocal assured it will not sound a bit like this!!!!

I'm actually toying with either doing a few SymX choral arrangements, or a much lower-key DT cover...something like "Vacant," "The Silent Man", or "The Spirit Carries On", which won't involve ripping my vocal cords to shreds. ;)
Rose Immortal said:
LOL, yeah, I was completely screwing around. I have no intentions of attempting to record like that again unless I somehow get to where I can do it without the serious vocal strain. Did I EVER regret that afterwards. ;)

Someday I may post something that's more typical of my vocal assured it will not sound a bit like this!!!!

I'm actually toying with either doing a few SymX choral arrangements, or a much lower-key DT cover...something like "Vacant," "The Silent Man", or "The Spirit Carries On", which won't involve ripping my vocal cords to shreds. ;)
Just a note for your singing endeavors: If it hurts in your neck, back, or your throat, you're singing wrong. You need to push more from your diaphragm. The stronger your diaphragm, the less your throat should have to work. Also, the tip of your tongue should rest at the bottom of your front teeth(for vowel sounds), unless you have a big tongue, then you can rest the tip on the top of the bottom teeth(kinda like what James does, but less). Your jaw and vocal cords should be relaxed while you sing. Any tension at all, other than in your abdomen, means you're singing incorrectly.

If you want to learn how to sing properly, you should probably find an instructor. Add to that a book for exercises, and you should be good to go. A book I recommend is Roger Kain's vocal workouts. I think he has a couple of different ones, me having his Complete Vocal Workout. I've only started doing them, and they've helped me a lot.
Thanks for the advice...but yeah, I don't plan on doing this KIND of singing for a long time! ;)

However, I did start work on a cover of "Vacant". It's going to be awhile before it's done, but I like the way it's shaping up so far...
I may try that after "Vacant". What's taking so long with that one is I'm doing a significant re-arrangement and I still have to work out everything I want in there.

Plus I have a life that needs attending to, too. ;)
Medusa's eyes said:
Oh wow it's a brave thing you post something like this. I actually like it :grin:.
I will never EVER do this.

LOL, you shouldn''s painful afterwards. ;)
Some of you are familiar with my band's, Synesthesia, music from previus demos, now we are getting ready to release our first album. And this is the first single of the yet unnamed album.

It's called "Lápidas"

Other songs, and samples should be posted, and if anyone is interested in recieving a copy of our album when it's released, keep your heads up on the release date and info on how to place an order for it.

For those of you who dont know, we are a band located in the Dominican Republic, we've been playing together for 3 years now, we have released 2 demos already, and now we are about to make our debut album through an independent release.

Anyways, hope you people like the song, I'll make aviable more of our music as the release date aproaches.
Symphony of Dreams - You've got some wicked stuff there. I really dig the intro. But during the first verse the drums go a little crazy and it doesn't flow all that well for me. Still, there's some great musicianship, and some very original stuff there. Rock on.
well is pretty tough to leave your music on this board since I checked out some of the guy's stuff here and it sounds damned good!!...anyway...there you go :a direct a link to a streaming version of one of our songs, voila!!:

(I would like to listen to symphony of dreams since my guitar player has got a house in Dominican Rep...but I can 't open their link...could u send me the song??)
I have no samples or anything, but I am currently composing the songs for a demo. I have a 'band', rather a 'one-man band', called Thíestru, which is an Old English word meaning 'shades of night'. It's an appropriate name, because my songs vary between (and mix) different subgenres of metal, mostly black, death, doom, folk, and some power and neoclassical. Maybe it's prog. So far my 'tracklist' is as follows:

1. Drawing the Thíestru (pretty much a straightahead black metal song, with some un-blackmetalish riffs and a creepy/sad clean guitar intro, no clean vocals; a lot like Diabolical Masquerade)

2. Lovers Lie (primarily doom-death with clean and death vox and lots of clean guitar parts)

3. All Painted White (12-string guitar ballad, very sad)

4. Sleep (another doom-death type song with nearly all clean vox -- only the last two lines are growled; comparable to both newer and older Katatonia and newer Opeth)

5. Resting Days (classical guitar instrumental, somewhat reminiscent of Opeth's 'Patterns in the Ivy', but longer and more varied)

And there's a sixth song I'm throwing around called 'Torched', which I want to be just br00tal death metal. Thing is, I'm not very good at doing pure death metal. Not very good at all.

Another song I'm wanting to resurrect (it's an older one) is called 'And All That Never Was', which I'm not really sure how to describe. The first several minutes are acoustic and depressing, and then it gets heavy, but there are no growled vox. It's somewhat like Nevermore and Opeth with some Blind Guardian-esque vocal arrangements. The problem with this song is that I don't have the lyrics on hand.

Anyway, all of these songs are still in the writing stage, with Drawing..., Lovers... and Resting... being very nearly finished. All... is mostly done, too, except the interlude. Sleep has a very long way to go.

If anyone is interested in hearing Thíestru once I get these songs recorded, let me know and I'll try to send you some stuff.

Aborted Existence show in Saginaw, Michigan (USA) anyone who lives near there should try to go. theres a buncha other bands playing, i know Dead to Fall is, and i forget who else. we're prolly gonna be the least-hardcore band there. were pretty much straight melodic death metal, but not like arch enemy or anything, more like Arsis. i think we go on around 7, its this friday, march 25th @ Olde Jamestown Hall. not sure about ticket prices, but it cant be that much. anyway try to go.