The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Hey guys, I just uploaded a new track up on my myspace music. I got a really heavy sounding rhythm tone with these new recording techniques I learned. Check it out and let me know what you think and criticize(constructive) away. Its called Lost. You can compare it to the Metal Showdown track that I recorded almost a year ago.
The tone is ok....I don't know if it's the guitar tone itself, the mix, or recording techniques (or any combination of the above) but I think the everything on the track could stand to be a bit clearer...the low end is just a bit too overpowering for my ears. When I layer rhythm tracks, I like to do at least one take with a lower-gain tone and a bit more high end. I'm guessing you're dialing a fairly heavy amp tone and playing that Ibanez with the X2N into it? Another approach worth exploring (though maybe not practical given the sort of music you're into and that it would require a bit of change in your gear) is to use a guitar with lower output pickups (older single coils, for example) and run that into an amp that's dialed in fairly heavy. This is the basic approach that Jeff Kollman uses. Check out his stuff on the latest cosmosquad record, Acid Test. He's probably got my favorite heavy tone of all time and a lot of that stuff was recorded with a tele with single coils in it. Just something to consider messing around with. Either way, I think your signal could stand to lose a little bit of gain somewhere along the chain. Nonetheless, the tone and rhythm playing are definitely improved over the "metal showdown track"

The lead work is a bit of a mess on both tracks (and on the street fighter track as well). Working on your intonation and timing (both of which are issues on all three tracks) would solve the vast majority of your problems. Judging from the three tracks, your vibrato seems to have improved over time but could still be better. The other big thing (in addition to the intonation and timng) is your phrasing...your lines just aren't coherent or well-planned. Listen to people like Miles Davis, David Gilmour, Scott Henderson, etc....people with really good time, phrasing, well-organized ideas, and musical ideas that they really hear/feel, not just things their fingers know how to do. Don't let stylistic differeces get in the way either...the approaches those guys take over standards, classic rock ballads, or uber-technical fusion tunes can be applied to any style of's the concepts you're listening for, not necessarily the musical content. To be's nothing to do with playing slow, fast, or whatever....but there's a reason someone like Guthrie can play fast as hell over a tune like Little Wing and still sound incredibly musical and have a great feel while someone like Fransesco Farreri couldn't string together a nice sounding melodic line with a gun to his head. Lastly, the tone...a bit compressed and gainy for my tastes, trying backing off of the gain to get a more responsive tone and let your hands do more of the work.

That's how I'm hearing can take it as you will. Ultimately, there seems to be a gradual overall improvement between tracks so at the very least, you are moving in the right direction.

EDIT: sorry for the just happened
Yeah, listening to the track a couple of times, I think I need to turn the bass down a bit. I like it a lot, but you're right its a little overpowering.
In the metal showdown I had the gain at 10, in this track I had it at 5 but with the new technique it sounds heavier. I like where the gain is right now.
Yeah, I agree about the lines thing. I've learned a lot of songs, I know the techniques, but I just haven't had enough practice jamming with other people or over different types of tracks to really find my style, or how to improvise correctly. Now that you've mentioned it, it re-affirms my beliefs and I think I'm going to look into downloading and playing over jam tracks or something to get my feel.
And yes, I do need to play a little lighter. I push down a little hard sometimes, throwing off the intonation.

Thank you for taking the time to check it out and let me know how you feel about. I very much appreciate it. I want to become a better player.
No problem.

If you're looking for backing tracks...I'd reccomend heading to The name is a bit misleading as they've expanded quite a bit beyond just the blues. Guthrie has done a few packages for them where he records over backing tracks they make...then they sell the backing tracks, the backing tracks with his solos over them, and also transcriptions of what he plays. I like them a lot because they are very good quality backing tracks and you get a wealth of information in the transcriptions with lots of good ideas to steal. They are fairly cheap too. There's also All the stuff on there is free and they are mostly actual tunes, not just generic backing tracks. Unfortunately, the site has been down for a while (i haven't checked it recently though) and I'm not sure when things are scheduled to be up and running again. I just found these websites too:

I haven't checked them out much yet, but they seem legit. Personally, I think it's best to use backing tracks that are actual tunes that you know...stealing/trying other people's ideas is the best way to develop your own improv skills.
The band I started playing with about a month ago, Shaded Enmity, played our first show last night. Here's one song, i'm playing bass and out of frame most of the time but I assure you the headbanging doesn't much let up.

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Thought I'd share my band's project with the Symphony X Community...

My band Schallkrieg is based in Oxford, Ohio. We play progressive / groove metal. We recently released our first album, titled "Mourning Cycle." You can find some of our stuff up on MySpace:

If you're interested in the music, you can buy the full album on our website as an Mp3 Download or on CD.

Thanks Guys =o
Thought I'd share my band's project with the Symphony X Community...

My band Schallkrieg is based in Oxford, Ohio. We play progressive / groove metal. We recently released our first album, titled "Mourning Cycle." You can find some of our stuff up on MySpace:

If you're interested in the music, you can buy the full album on our website as an Mp3 Download or on CD.

Thanks Guys =o

I like it. I think it needs some work overall, probably some production stuff, but overall sounds pretty good. I like Sails In The Distance, but I think the singer should come in harder and be more aggressive with the vocals instead of wailing type. :rock:
Hey man, you should consider switching over to just paypal cart button system because its just so much easier for someone to pay through paypal than to sign up with the oscommerce stuff.
finally someone likes it here ! :) hay did you see the video (ecotone) dude it's awesome :kickass:

I just checked it out. Its pretty badass man.

Dude, that thing at the end of the first solo, what was that? Sounded awesome.. I'm guessing its something trem related? It sounds like someone is going to scream but then fucking CHOKE THEM HARD so it gets cut off and vibrates hard. Very cool song.
the fact that they don't have any albums yet just makes me pissed off :erk:(if we consider the huge number of the shitty bands that have a good support from labels and that they are active since 1996 ) they have two demos and they are so fucking good i don't think any band played a similar thing before ....
there it is : (the offical site ) check "MEDIA" there and you will find it all for free (the demos , the videos ect ....) now you can enjoy them CantoX :)
I'm not sure if you guys will be into this but I'll throw it out there...

I'm in an acoustic project thingy. I met with a dude and we learned some songs and we play every week outside of the library at university. We recorded a cover and you can check it out. We plan on recording some originals pretty soon:

I did the editing/mixing so any tips with that or any critique is well welcomed, as long as it's constructive.