The Official Doom Thread

i got a $5 credit from best buy. they aint got much from, but which of these is the, um, best buy?

Acid King - III
Acid King - Busse Woods
Bedemon - Child of Darkness
Abdullah - s/t
Pentagram - First Daze Here
Pentagram - First Daze Here Too
I dont see why the big praise for Of Empires Forlorn. The first three songs are great, then it just tails off. THe first song from Sorrow of the Angels is probably their best.
yeah, i traded setherial - nord (a rarity in itself) for an original Eibon digi of SotA and the Brazilian edition of Of Empires Forlorn. it was SotA i was after. OEF can be had on ebay for around $15, but after hearing it, the brazilian one is fine
Are any of you fuckers still jerking off to the awesomeness that is DREAMING - II? I feel like this one doesn't get as much love as it should. I pulled it out of the shelf to listen to around campus, and it still fucking rules utterly. I love the warmth the music gives off. Highly riff-oriented with an excellent sense of groove. I largely think of it as a blend of Black Sabbath, Saint Vitus, and Revelation with a German accent and a more straightforward, groove-oriented approach. These songs are great, but my personal favorites from the album are The Summer of the Horse and Blurred Truth. - The Other.mp3

They pulled a total asshole move on Tim from Shadow Kingdom, but their music's good!

They're from my hometown and I've never seen them live which is a shame :(