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Everyone remembers the show Cops, and just police in general. Remember how people went on this rant years ago about how they would search or investigate random black people almost accusing them as being criminals. Here's the thing, when you've got shitheads like 50 cent posing with assault rifles and guns and a million other rappers who do the same in music videos etc - as an officer, how can you not think twice about someone walking down the street dressed like that. Is it wrong? To a certain extent yes but then again, if I was an officer, and I saw a whole neighbourhood of Varg Vikernes look-a-likes dressed in medieval armor, carrying a sword around and drenched in corpse paint, I certainly wouldn't be at least somewhat suspicious.

I dislike stereotypes of any kind but often people will fall into their own stereotype. I have to admit, from general observations black people probably do this more so than any other.
Everyone remembers the show Cops, and just police in general. Remember how people went on this rant years ago about how they would search or investigate random black people almost accusing them as being criminals. Here's the thing, when you've got shitheads like 50 cent posing with assault rifles and guns and a million other rappers who do the same in music videos etc - as an officer, how can you not think twice about someone walking down the street dressed like that. Is it wrong? To a certain extent yes but then again, if I was an officer, and I saw a whole neighbourhood of Varg Vikernes look-a-likes dressed in medieval armor, carrying a sword around and drenched in corpse paint, I certainly wouldn't be at least somewhat suspicious.

I dislike stereotypes of any kind but often people will fall into their own stereotype.

:eek: The perfect neighbhorhood...
1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
West Newbury, Massachusetts - Home of John Cena and the CEO of Victoria's Secret

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
Looking for more metal and inactive lastFM usergroups

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
The Crown
Gospel of the Horns

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Megadeth - Youthenasia for getting me into metal w/ A Tout Le Monde
Insomnium - Since the Day it All Came Down
The Autumn Offering - Revelations of the Unsung
Shadows Fall - The War Within
Pantera - Cowboys from Hell

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I play hockey, I read a lot, I hate anything grind, slam, brootal or Norwegian. I'm going to UMass Lowell this fall and majoring in Computer Science. I like a lot.

That's all :]
Have you ever seen Chris Rocks "I hate my pals" rant? Thats right.

Black people are fine. It's when they put on those backwards hats and limp around looking for trouble to cause and collect welfare and refer to themselves as my pals, thats when they piss me off.

This is an example of an awesome black guy:

This is an example of a faggoty little "gangsta" (X3):

I like black people that don't act like clowns to get attention, actually go to school and actually know things.

you're an idiot, there are plenty of people who are a part of (real) hip hop culture and are intelligent and good people. See immortal technique, chuck d, nas etc...
You real music fans are too funny. Stroll over the the Musicians Discussion area if you want to see me talk about music. I'm sure you'd be saying the same thing except "Shut up about gear and technique" if I was over here talking about how to do a pinched harmonic or what kind of cab I prefer.

Wanna know what bands I like, is that what this is about? Far too many to list, sorry. I will say I think most death and black metal sounds generic, I like a few songs here and there but most of it sounds too much the same to me. I hate hair metal because it isn't metal IMO, it's pop pretending to be metal. I like most of the NWOBHM stuff, and thrash. Pantera and Prong are probably in a tie as my all time favorite bands because they both seemed to have a unique sound when I first heard them. Happy? GO ahead, tear it to shreds, I couldn't possibly care less. You say "has she ever even talked about music" as if musical taste has anything to do with the validity of any other opinion. It's such a ridiculous assertion it's funny.
I asked that because this is a fucking metal forum. Usually when you join a metal board you are expected to at least sometimes talk about metal. Which you have not done one time. All you do is strut around in the social forum pretending you know everything.