The Official GMD - Get to know your fellow forumers survery!

I asked that because this is a fucking metal forum. Usually when you join a metal board you are expected to at least sometimes talk about metal. Which you have not done one time. All you do is strut around in the social forum pretending you know everything.

OMG, I thought metal was at least a little bit about rebellion, and now I find out there are things expected of me. I feel like such a poser for not conforming to your idea of what proper metal message board behavior is supposed to be.

And, as I mentioned, I have talked about music, both metal and non-metal in other forums. Go look, I can wait.

And "know everything"? Really? Have I ever stated anything more strongly than as an opinion? I don't believe I've ever said, "Blah blah blah, and this is a fact, suck it bitches."

I have never met so many "metal fans" that were such little cry baby whiners.
Uh, you hardly ever post in the regular forum. This is not an arguable point.
I've had better things to do with my time these past months than 'talk about music' sufficiently enough to conform to Sir Sekhmet's levels of posting expectation of everybody who joins UM.

P.S. Grow up.
Uh, you hardly ever post in the regular forum. This is not an arguable point.

LOL, you have so many rules.

I said I post in the Musicians forum, I don't know where the "regular forum" is. But here's where I'm going to draw the line, you can carry on being a whiny baby, and I'll just sit back and laugh. That way when the mods finally have enough of it they can take it up with you and your whiny buddies.
My god, some of you guys are some real bitches... A gal comes along and argues in an articulate, intelligent fashion, and all you girls can do is whine about her not posting enough about music? Why do you care? How is it relevant to the discussions at hand? Just be fucking grateful someone around here actually spices this place up a bit.
Everone shut the fuck up - if I wanted to read about peoples shiity ideas/opinions about a topic like this, then I would read the shitty philosophy subforum here on UM.

S H U T - T H E - F U C K - U P.
Hey watch it dude. That place rocks.... um, rocking chairs. :kickass:

No. Two or three people at most rock those chairs; the rest can eat my hypothetically non-existent e-ass.

Some posters know what they are talking about, most do not. I'll leave it at that.
Increase that list to 5-6 actually. Some of the best posters have stopped posting because of excessive amounts of noobage.
I like how nobody was able to refute what Lulu said, so they just attacked a strawman.