The Official Roope Latvala Thread

Authentic Metalhead said:
He sure is a character. And he's cooler than Alexi could ever hope to be. :kickass:

wow, it seems that you guys are really jealous of alexi because of all the attention he gets. so you're trying to put all the attention on roope and you sit around comparing the two saying that Roope is better. calm down guys, this isn't a contest. it's only natural that Alexi, being the frontman of COB gets more attention, and especially from the ladies. this is so typical, guys are always trying to prove something. stop bashing alexi. you know he's talented, and not necessarily less talented than roope.
i agree with hydra

Lithium said:
Hmmmm maybe just ''Sixpounder'' and ''Chokehold''
But don't tell me u think ''Angels don't kill'' and ''Bodom Beach terror'' are heading into AYDY territory...noo waay
angels dont kill = a boring sixpounder with some pinch harmonics
I think Alexi writes more interesting solos but Roope's solo on Passage to the Fourth World is amazing, it's pretty much all picked.
xshadowsoulsx said:
no they shouldnt of, roope is so much cooler
Wtf, yingwie is a fuckin beast on stage! breaking things, Making strange faces and odd positions, breaking his guitiar strings, jumping everywhere! How can roope be better?!?!
_DJ_british_motard_ said:
Wtf, yingwie is a fuckin beast on stage! breaking things, Making strange faces and odd positions, breaking his guitiar strings, jumping everywhere! How can roope be better?!?!
yeah, but i meant off stage, hes probably a shit load nicer and funnier