The Official Royal Carnage Mix CD(s)

Sometimes I want to pin down half this forum chickenpeck style and forcefeed them all kinds of non-metal music, then make them eat poor quality soup until they admit that they enjoy it (in the gay way). Possibly at nerfgunpoint.

This is one such time.
I thought those were recorded under a different name? Or is that another band I'm thinking of...oh well, doesn't matter, I'm sure Born Of Greed is the better of them all. I love the 7" as well, and yeah, I'm greatly anticipating the full-length. Lethal/Corrupt split in the future? ;) BTW, I'm going to try to get back in contact with my friend from Eliminator to see what the fuck is going on with that release he and Vic are supposed to be planning if you're still interested in that.
Well yeah, they all (as well as Born of Greed initially) were released under the name Corrupted, but that difference is small enough not to matter imo... I think I have at least some tracks from all of them hidden on my hdd but dunno if I can find them very easily, I'll give it a shot in the morning.

The gig we had with Corrupt early this summer was recorded via the soundboard, so nothing is impossible... And for our part at least a smaller release of some kind would probably be good before aiming for another album, be it a 4-way with some others or just us and Corrupt but we'll see how shit turns out. Don't expect anything new very soon after the album at least.