The Official *Show In My City Rocked* Thread

I got to see AA Tuesday in San Diego. The show was awesome, and AA kicked Trivium's and Bodom's asses. I nearly lost my voice as I sang along with Death In Fire! The flask was badass, as well! I can't wait for AA to come back and headline! You guys are awesome!

Also, I got Once Sent From the Golden Hall signed by all the great guys from AA! Unfortunately, It was my friend who got it signed and bought it for me, and I was not able to meet them myself, but nonetheless, it is a badass album!

Bodom was alright. I wasn't too thrilled about the guitar/drum/keyboard solos they did, but they were alright. I would have preferred some Bed of Razors....and Alexi got pegged in the head with a shoe.

Thanks AA for the great show!
I was not pleased with the crowd in Vancouver at all. Chanting "Bodom" "Bodom" for such a long time, then breaking the bottles. Fucking idiots.

Security was amazing for Vancouver though. The guy who was there at 4 PM let us take a few leaks during our wait. Also let the chinese man who was picking up bottles outside in after the show. He must of made 300 dollars in all the bottles on the ground in the concert hall.
San Antonio show was badass. AA got a huge response from the crowd and IMO, had the best set of the night.

Ive never seen them live before, they put on one hell of a show. So sorry they couldnt have played longer. I sure hope they come around again.
Bap said:
I got to see AA Tuesday in San Diego. The show was awesome, and AA kicked Trivium's and Bodom's asses. I nearly lost my voice as I sang along with Death In Fire! The flask was badass, as well! I can't wait for AA to come back and headline! You guys are awesome!

Also, I got Once Sent From the Golden Hall signed by all the great guys from AA! Unfortunately, It was my friend who got it signed and bought it for me, and I was not able to meet them myself, but nonetheless, it is a badass album!

Bodom was alright. I wasn't too thrilled about the guitar/drum/keyboard solos they did, but they were alright. I would have preferred some Bed of Razors....and Alexi got pegged in the head with a shoe.

Thanks AA for the great show!

That's too bad you didn't get to meet them when they signed your CD. And what exactly happened with COB that ended up with Alexi getting pegged with a shoe? Was it intentional?
TXFO said:
San Antonio show was badass. AA got a huge response from the crowd and IMO, had the best set of the night.

Ive never seen them live before, they put on one hell of a show. So sorry they couldnt have played longer. I sure hope they come around again.

Any interesting details from the show?
VikingSF said:
Any interesting details from the show?

nothing too major I guess. The fucking line to get in was around the block and the place was packed when AA took the stage. Johan is a killer front man. He got the place into a frenzy quick fast in a hurry! Some good mosh pits opened up but it was too fucking hot to keep the pit going for more than 30 seconds. Kind of went in bursts. Death in fire was a great closer and after the set, the band stayed on stage for a while talking to fans and handing out stuff. I was hoping to spot them on the patio afterwards but I didnt see them. Got my Amon Amarth Vodka T shirt and spent the rest of the night getting drunk. My favorite part was those dudes trying to say "san Antonio". The best they could do was "SATONO". :headbang: gotta love em.

A few people passed out from the heat and some HUGE chick beat up 2 scrawny sluts on the patio. :tickled:

Trivium didnt get booed and their cicle pit worked out for them. :p

COB had a flawless set. Im not a COB fan but after seeing them perform, Im inclined to give them another listen.
The Bringer said:
LOL! Someone threw a shoe at Alexi? That would be hilarious.

haha i think it was in the middle of Hate Me! (ironic huh?) and he stopped playing and told the guy to go die basically, then continued after rubbing his head a bit.

And I bet it was intentional -- it would be kind of hard to accidentally hit someone in the head with a shoe...ya never know though :p
Can't wait to see Amon Amarth next week.

If anyone needs tickets for the Montreal show on December 11th (from what I know, they are currently SOLD OUT) I have an extra one I need to sell, and will sell it at 25 instead of the 31 dollars that Ticketpro charged me.

Just because of this thread, I am indeed going to tell Trivium that they suck dick.

Just went to the dec 9th show in Philadelphia. My friends and I were dissappointed that we only got to see two and a half songs from AAs set. Besides that tho what I saw was amazing. Their stage presence was huge. They definately beat Trivium and also COB. After their set I hung out by their merch table. And yeah they're a really cool group of guys. I asked when they'd be coming back with a bigger set and Johan's response was that they'd be concentrating on releasing a new album for a while once this tour is over.
i have some more pictures, these are from the philly show last night (Arch's blow mine away though)-








"This is pretty cool, but.. What the fuck, we're from Sweden"


They think I'm lame.


This has significantly increased my quality of life.

I could not BELEIVE how short their set was, what a dissapointment - whoever made that decision needs to get punched in the throat.

ps - Trivium fucking sucks.
they aren't. it used to be so easy at the troc especially for a woman because they'd pat down all the guys but wouldn't bother with us. Now they have some female security staff AND metal detector wands. When i saw this, I put my camera in my jacket sleeve and unzipped my jacket so the lady could wand my torso and wouldn't need to aks me to take off my jacket. Luckily she didn't inspect my arms.
thats whats great about shows at the white rabbit. No pat downs, no metal detectors, and they dont give a shit if you bring a camera. I strapped myself with booze before going to the show. No one said shit and it paid off in spades.
Nice pics. I actually saw you taking the one with the band hehe. Made me wish I remembered to bring my camera. Also, I don't really like the Troc. It was my first time there but they seemed like such tightasses compared to other venues I've been in.
Just a quick post, I think I missed the first song or the first two buuuuut we did get:

Versus The World :headbang:
Thousand Years of Oppression :headbang: :headbang:
Victorious March:worship:
Death In Fire :)hotjump: been there done that though)

Overall the show was really awesome and I got my ticket (from the 1st show) signed by Johan S. and Ted.