The Official *Show In My City Rocked* Thread

The Bringer said:
Well they need to test the waters a couple times and see what kind of response they get.

couple more times?, this might be their last time as they've had it, they've been to states in 2001 (one off), 2002 (2 tours) and 2003 (2 and a half tours) and now you're on about testing the waters a couple of times, most bands would have drowned in that water by now
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What did they say?

It started early in Trivium's set. The lead singer paused between songs because apparently someone spit on him. He didn't see who it was, so he spent a couple of minutes trying to call the person out, but no one would admit it. Later, some people were yelling 'Fuck Trivium' and the lead again stopped between songs. This time he he asked "Why don't you like us?" They yelled back something I couldn't hear. He said "Is it because we're not European? Are you anti-American?" It went on a little longer, until the singer basically said "I've got the mic, so have to listen to everything I say." Finally they started playing again.

It was pretty pathetic, and showed how insecure the lead of Triviumis. If he had more class he wouldn't care if people don't like him. It got worse, because he kept demanding that people start a circle pit, over and over, "Start a fucking circle pit, San Francisco!" A better band wouldn't have had to ask.:rolleyes:
Actually, why bother talking 'bout Trivium. If you like Amon you just go there to se AA and drink some beers (see at least 10, AA style) when Trivium plays, then go and see CoB if you want to.

Trivium has their own forum, just keep the subject over there. Right?

Tom, when r u coming to Europe?
Clinton, same to you.
Belgar, do they let you in here?
Warlock Fester, that's exactly what I did.

I watched AA play, went to the beer gardens and watched the Vancouver Canucks game and drank beer, then came back and watch CoB.

Isn't the singer of Trivium born in Japan? I don't think he was even born in America.
That's just the right thing to do. Listen to some real good music, drink some beers and just relax. Life doesn't need much more than that.
:D it's just too bad my official TRIVIUM SUCKS thread had to be closed down :( no blame on the admins, too many people requested for it to be taken away :(
i know, i just really wanted to have a place where ppl could just come in and bash trivium, also wanted a good laugh at how people would diss them up
Warlock Fester said:
Actually, why bother talking 'bout Trivium. If you like Amon you just go there to se AA and drink some beers (see at least 10, AA style) when Trivium plays, then go and see CoB if you want to.

Trivium has their own forum, just keep the subject over there. Right?

I'm with you! Let's consider the subject closed. Further discussion: Amon Amarth - how hard do they rock?

VikingSF said:
It started early in Trivium's set. The lead singer paused between songs because apparently someone spit on him. He didn't see who it was, so he spent a couple of minutes trying to call the person out, but no one would admit it. Later, some people were yelling 'Fuck Trivium' and the lead again stopped between songs. This time he he asked "Why don't you like us?" They yelled back something I couldn't hear. He said "Is it because we're not European? Are you anti-American?" It went on a little longer, until the singer basically said "I've got the mic, so have to listen to everything I say." Finally they started playing again.

It was pretty pathetic, and showed how insecure the lead of Triviumis. If he had more class he wouldn't care if people don't like him. It got worse, because he kept demanding that people start a circle pit, over and over, "Start a fucking circle pit, San Francisco!" A better band wouldn't have had to ask.:rolleyes:

No obnoxious metalheads yelled out "SLLLAAYYYEEERRR!" during Trivium's set? :)
Hey Vesa! Well my bro is living in stockholm atm. So me and me gf will hopefully be heading over again next year. You up for letting two crazy aussies drink a few beers with you? And btw get your arse over to our country. You need a tan you finnish monk. (you are finnish arn't you?)