The Official *Show In My City Rocked* Thread

OK, so I'll be the old, but still blonde and longhaired, Valkyrie in the black (gasp!) leather bustier and fuck-me-boots. I'll be attached to two large Norsemen and one small celt. See if you can pick me out, K? Like to put names to faces!
Infernity said:
Agreed. Downloading shit is a great tool, but please support the bands.

Behemoth is a good band, and another Polish powerhouse is Vader, who are on tour right now in the States. Check out for any dates near you. I saw them a week ago in Minneapolis, and while not one of their greatest performances, seeing them live would be a good step.

Also, check the inlay of your favorite bands for people/bands they give thanks to. A great way to find new music.
I never thought of the inlay idea, thanks for the tip! i agree about Behemoth and Vader. I saw both of them bands this year actually. Even though I'm not the biggest Vader fan in the world (and Summon kicked their ass at that show), they did put on a great show and played great. I dig their music, but I wouldn't call it my favorite. Behemoth on the other hand was one of the most brutal shows I've seen all year long.
Hahaha... I was the really drunk kid... However the consumption of the 40 of Igor (Prince Igor that is) only completed that night. You guys where realy cool (from what I remember).
I saw amon amarth in Seattle last night! my life is complete and my hearing is shot. there were a few other bands too, trivial? childrein of scrotum? *snicker* i can't believe Amon Amarth didn't headline that show. What the hell has cobm got besides needled 24/7? It was raging, and i'll see them as soon as they return to the pacific northwest

my personal request for next time is to hear the eyes of horror cover live, if the guitarist can pull it off live that is.
please someone regroups all the "i saw AA last night thread" under one thread ... all these reviews are boring at best .... at least post something like, "I was drunk and went on stage naked and Oli rubbed my belly" , "Johan had Jager shots while taunting the crowd that they would play Victorious March (but did not)", ...
Well, nothing that exciting happened, but there is a strict 'no stage diving' rule at that venue, so the moment they see a crowd surfer, security goes nuts, grabs them and throws them to the side of the stage. Pretty brutally I might add.

I got a few bad pics, you can see them here if you like, all resized down to 800x600...

The merch pic was mainly for the sign he put up above the AA shirts. It was cute.
I was dumbfounded when I figured out that Amon Amarth were the openers. a fucking half hour set? Amon Amarth fucking crushes the other 2 bands, everyone i talked to was there for Amon Amarth.

Trivium i can take or leave, but will probably just leave. And bodom? well let's just say It wasn't worth the wading through about 8 tracks of the lead singer's posturing shash to finally hear needled 24/7 live.
The Bringer said:
Well the show was entertaining. Too many children there for me. I won't be back to that venue again.

Where you the big guy with the toque? I think I saw you there. I was "one of those kids" with a Lamb of God shirt. Believe me though, I wasn't there for Trivium. Anywys, the show kicked harsh ass and I bought an Amon Amarth shirt. It was fucking great.