Actually, yes. I do.TB666 said:Do you have allergies ??
how dark are we talking here?Black metal girle said:do you like dark beer?

Wow, she's like potpossum was. but nice. I like her, and have accordingly decided that she can stay. so no more arguments out of you lot! :Smug:Black metal girle said:okei there have been talk a bouth me her that Im a fake one or whatever
I just want too say that Im not a fake ! I have been in too Metal fore years and it become a lifstayl for me. Most of my friends play in Black and death metal bands. sow I feel I m a realy metal girle. Im not that kind of girle ho think Im somthing or try too bee someone. ! Im just my self. and nothing more. I think it's funny too start a takl talk sow we can chat and have funn her. I don't start this beacuse I think Im someone or try too bee. This is just for funn. maybe Im not the best too writen in English her. but all can not bee good too all thing. sow I hope you understand that. as loong as we have funn her it dosen't mather. I don't start this for fight! I don't wanna fight whit you. sow no worris.
sow if you don't like it or that way it's it up too you. but if you like it and wan't too have funn her just come on and chat.
This is not a shit too peole out there! I jsut want too tell you whay I start this.
have a nice day.