The Official Trek Thread

all of the voyager characters were done for "sex appeal"

i'll explain in detail later
I thought someone might pick me up on that point, given that it is little more than conjecture. I did not expect that to be the response, though, and fail to see how you can have reached such a conclusion.
I thought someone might pick me up on that point, given that it is little more than conjecture. I did not expect that to be the response, though, and fail to see how you can have reached such a conclusion.
it's kinda obvious
Including Naomi?

Naomi is kinda stretching it, unless you're assuming pedophiles watch sci-fi

but seriously

the Principal cast is characterized in a way that's done for sex appeal

to me it was so freaking obvious, but "i'll break it down in crayon for ya"

Captain Janeway
is a female captain of a starship
so guys that are turned on by a female being mayor/governor/police chief etc would be attracted to Janeway

B'Elanna Torres is half-Klingon
so her target audience would have been guys who think the female klingons were sexy and/or dominatrixes clientele

Chakotay being Native American with it being mentioned every five min was aimed at those women who read those romance novels where the blue-eyed-blone woman is getting seduced by a native american male

Tuvok is a Vulcan on the ship
aimed at the women that thought Spock was sexy

Tom Paris
was the "non-sci-fi character in a sci-fi show"
he was aimed at the women that wouldn't have watched the show if he wasn't in it

Harry Kim's crappy love life was done where at the end of each episode
women wanted to date Harry just because they felt sorry for him

Harry's portrayed as a dork and always standing next to Tom Paris where Harry's dorkiness made Tom Paris look super-suave by comparison

was aimed at the guys past 45 who refuse to date a woman older than 25

had to replace Kes because Kes's species ages diferently than everyone else and Kes's presence in the show was starting to look like it was catering to pedophiles

7-of-9's skin-tight clothes were clearly done as a "sexier-than-nudity-costuming" thing
Those arguments seem rather tenuous, at best. Anyone, or indeed anything, can have sex appeal, and I am sure that there are people who found those characters sexually appealing for those reasons and/or others. Including Naomi. However, your claim was that all of the characters were done for sex appeal. That is quite different from the characters simply having sex appeal.

Seven of Nine, whilst having more than just that to her character, was developed with the specific intent of her having sex appeal. As you put it yourself, she was given a costume that was designed to be overtly sexual. Every other character simply had characteristics which may be seen by some as sexual, but none come across as having been intended to be explicitly sexual.

From your other posts, I am well aware of your opinion of what is sexually attractive (and in-turn, what is, in your own words, 'abnormal'. But the idea that Jennifer Lien, who was 20 when the show was first aired, catered to paedophiles is nothing short of ludicrous.

The only conclusion I can reach is that you view everything as sexual, regardless of content or context. Thank you for elaborating, though. And since you were kind enough to break it down in crayon for me, I can only hope that you didn't manage to wear out your crayons too much.
Those arguments seem rather tenuous, at best. Anyone, or indeed anything, can have sex appeal, and I am sure that there are people who found those characters sexually appealing for those reasons and/or others. Including Naomi. However, your claim was that all of the characters were done for sex appeal. That is quite different from the characters simply having sex appeal.

Seven of Nine, whilst having more than just that to her character, was developed with the specific intent of her having sex appeal. As you put it yourself, she was given a costume that was designed to be overtly sexual. Every other character simply had characteristics which may be seen by some as sexual, but none come across as having been intended to be explicitly sexual.

From your other posts, I am well aware of your opinion of what is sexually attractive (and in-turn, what is, in your own words, 'abnormal'. But the idea that Jennifer Lien, who was 20 when the show was first aired, catered to paedophiles is nothing short of ludicrous.

The only conclusion I can reach is that you view everything as sexual, regardless of content or context. Thank you for elaborating, though. And since you were kind enough to break it down in crayon for me, I can only hope that you didn't manage to wear out your crayons too much.

"rather tenuous" :lol:

everything i said in my last post was totally freaking obvious

are you purpousfully being blind or just being a troll??
"rather tenuous" :lol:

everything i said in my last post was totally freaking obvious

are you purpousfully being blind or just being a troll??

I agree with Uncreation, seems to me that your just trying to find something sexual in each character. If there was a fat woman on the show, you would say she is there for all the people who are into big beautiful women. Or if there was a red head on the show, you would say that person is there for all the people who like red heads. Your opinion is just based on speculation and nothing concrete or convincing.
I agree with Uncreation, seems to me that your just trying to find something sexual in each character. If there was a fat woman on the show, you would say she is there for all the people who are into big beautiful women. Or if there was a red head on the show, you would say that person is there for all the people who like red heads. Your opinion is just based on speculation and nothing concrete or convincing.

it's pretty freaking obvious when you've watched all the episodes of Voyager and also all the episodes of any other Star Trek series

so frweaking obvious in fact, that i'm actually really amazed that no one had mentioned it before me
Seems to me that Monoxide thinks his opinions are fact. Like he has first-hand knowledge of things as if he had a hand in creating it.
Seems to me that Monoxide thinks his opinions are fact. Like he has first-hand knowledge of things as if he had a hand in creating it.

i'm not trying to say "i had a hand in creating Voyager"

i'm just pointing out blatantly obvious shit

like when i pointed out that the Federation's war with the Dominion was really obviously done to apeal to fans of Star Wars
I've been slowly making my way through the original series over the past few months. It's dated and cheesy compared to The Next Generation. I just watched S02E20 and the actress that played the chief medical officer in season 2 of TNG played a doctor in that episode. She was a total babe in the 60s.
Discovered the Netflix/Amazon streaming thing a couple years back. Got on a sci-fi kick and watched every episode of TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. Watched TNG back when it was airing in the 80's/90's. Was still my favorite after seeing them all. Liked Enterprise the least, though season 3 was the best single season of any of the series'.
Discovered the Netflix/Amazon streaming thing a couple years back. Got on a sci-fi kick and watched every episode of TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. Watched TNG back when it was airing in the 80's/90's. Was still my favorite after seeing them all. Liked Enterprise the least, though season 3 was the best single season of any of the series'.

Yea, Enterprise was a very weak show, every character except for a few, all had this goodie two shoes way about them, none of them had any grit. Plus the opening theme and music just was bad, they should have kept it more traditional.
Yea, Enterprise was a very weak show, every character except for a few, all had this goodie two shoes way about them, none of them had any grit. Plus the opening theme and music just was bad, they should have kept it more traditional.

Yeah the opening theme did a good job of setting you up for the disappointment to follow. I've liked Bakula since Quantum Leap. Wouldn't have been able to finish the show with out him. The rest of the characters were pretty bad. I don't think any of them can take the title of 'Most Boring, Useless Character in the History of Ever' from Harry Kim, but overall they were the worst crew. I loved season three but I almost never made it there, and it was really hard to finish after that. The last season was pretty unbearable.

Seemed to enjoy Enterprise S3 the most for some reason even though I didn't like the series overall. Probably the last season of DS9 after that. Still like TNG the most overall but can't really find a favorite season since there was never really a central storyline that went anywhere. Just a great show overall with the best characters.
So, since I got Netflix this past weekend here is where I stand with all of the ST spinoffs:

DS9: Just started the last season
VOY: Halfway through Season 5
Enterprise: Just watched the pilot
TOS: Still plan on watching in sequential order

So far, DS9 has really surprised me. I don't know why it is panned so much.
Harry Kim is more exciting of a character than fucking Odo or Sisko.

You do win. There should some sort of medal given out for this.

Honestly I was so surprised. I thought she would hate it. But no, pleasantly surprised. I'm gonna put em on in chronological order so she can follow the story.