The Official Trek Thread

So obvious glaring changes that make less sense sit well with you, but a discrepancy that could go either way pisses you off? The fuck?

the "changes" were just alterations in the time line as the result of the time-travel (or at least appear to be if you're not being anal about every fucking detail of every scene)

where as this alternate calendar thing is just the producers being lazy
the "changes" were just alterations in the time line as the result of the time-travel (or at least appear to be if you're not being anal about every fucking detail of every scene)

where as this alternate calendar thing is just the producers being lazy

Actually no.

The Chekov thing was just the producers saying "hey. Chekov wasn't originally in the crew, he only came in after season 1, so we'll just shift his birth date to a few years earlier so we can put him in the movie for the sake of nostalgia".

The Enterprise being built on Earth was a total disregard for even basic fucking physics. The Enterprise was built at Utopia Planitia Spaceyards. NOT on Earth. Starships are just not built for being operated in an atmosphere and gravity. The ship would have to be specially reinforced just for the ascent.

Don't talk about "producers being lazy" in Into Darkness when you're just going to go "it's just a movie, it's only meant to entertain" for Star Trek 09. That's fucking dumb. There are more glaring and more numerous inconsistencies in the 2009 movie.
In terms of seasons, any season of The Next Generation is prime. If you like it, you should check out Voyager, any season of it is great as well.

In terms of movies, you saw pretty much the two best ones. But stay away from Star Trek I: The Motion Picture, stay away from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, and stay away from Star Trek 2009, and you're golden. All the other movies are amazing.

My girl and I have been getting into Star Trek lately. Seen Wrath of Khan and First Contact. Now we are watching the Next Generation Series. I must say I'm enjoying the shit out of it.

Any specific recs in movies/seasons?

If you wanna spend about $30, you should check this box set out. It's the original movies, part I-VI. There's also a box set for the 4 Next Generation movies where the movies crossed over, but I don't own that set yet. My favorite movies out of the originals were part IV and VI, so I'd recommend those. I'd say it's best to watch them in order though. I now see that Walmart sells the box sets if you want to check it out.
In terms of seasons, any season of The Next Generation is prime. If you like it, you should check out Voyager, any season of it is great as well.

In terms of movies, you saw pretty much the two best ones. But stay away from Star Trek I: The Motion Picture, stay away from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, and stay away from Star Trek 2009, and you're golden. All the other movies are amazing.

I've heard the 2009 one was actually really good. It got really good reviews didn't it?

I actually want to see Star Trek I just to see how bad it really is.
It got good reviews, but they take so many glaring, unchangable aspects about the Enterprise and the crew, and change them, that the movie loses legitimacy for me. See my rant above on this page.
In terms of seasons, any season of The Next Generation is prime. If you like it, you should check out Voyager, any season of it is great as well.

In terms of movies, you saw pretty much the two best ones. But stay away from Star Trek I: The Motion Picture, stay away from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, and stay away from Star Trek 2009, and you're golden. All the other movies are amazing.

The Voyage Home and the first season of TNG are complete cheese.
The Voyage Home and the first season of TNG are complete cheese.

I know what you mean about The Voyage Home, but there was just something about that movie that I loved, especially as a kid. I guess it was the fact that they went back in time (to what we know as modern day), and they were so confused as to what was going on. They were so out of place and I just found that funny.
the fact that they went back in time (to what we know as modern day), and they were so confused as to what was going on. They were so out of place and I just found that funny.

this^^ was the whole fucking movie

i laughed watching this movie because it seemed to be a comedy

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home looked like an SNL paradoy of Star Trek
which i had assumed was intentionally done
The Voyage Home and the first season of TNG are complete cheese.

Both were awesome. The Voyage Home was a hilarious movie, so basically what Balls said.

Also the first season of TNG was fuckin' great. Skin of Evil was a shitty shit episode, but aside from that, I see nothing wrong with it whatsoever. It was better than the latter half of season 7 (excluding All Good Things).

Star Trek I is a really good sci fi movie, just doesn't belong in the star trek universe.

It was just soooooo boring, and drags on and on and oooonnnn.
Aside from the last couple of seasons, I hated it myself. More about interstellar politics and the workings of the station than anything... super boring.
I never got into DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise, all of the shows after TNG. To tell you the truth, I was never 100% into TNG either.....I was all about the original crew. I did watch TNG from time to time and I didn't hate it, I just never got all that involved with it. I was thinking of going back though and re-experiencing it now that I'm older.