The Wargaming Thread

I think I shall do some painting later today. Expect some pics!

Edit: Oh ya, my brother and I have decided to get into HORDES together. It plays totally different form other games I have played in the past and I am excited for a change. I think i have decided I am through giving Games Workshop any of my money. I simply cannot stand behind their business practices. Privateer Press is a great company and I look forward to diving into a new world and a new system. I am hoping it will restore the excitement I felt when I first discovered 40k and Games Workshop.

Anyway I am staring a Legion of Everblight force and my brother will be starting with the Skorne. We each ordered a warpack and a single harcover edition of the rules to start out with. this should arrive next week. I will make sure to post pics when I start working on them.


Legion of Everblight Warpack:

Skorne Warpack:
I make these promises I cannot keep.

So far, after 5 hours of painting on and off, I have completed... 1 wing. Thats what happens when you use 5 different highlights on each feather.

I'll post the wing if you really want ^ ^
Adeptus Custodes
Anyone know about this utterly bad-ass chapter??

One source references a huge battle, where an Ork WAUGHH was steamrolling the ground forces of three entire legions of space marines with their Primarchs. The Emperor showed up in orbit in his battlebarge, the Bucephelus, and teleported in with 1,000 of his Custodes. Within seconds, the Emperor killed the Warboss Gharkul Blackfang and his Custodes slaughtered 100,000+ Orks. By the end of the battle, only three Custodes were dead.
So yeah, they're badass.
Aside from that they're supposed to be "a legion 10,000 strong," and the analogy goes that custodes are to grey knights as grey knights are to space marines as space marines are to guardsmen. They wear golden power armor and use Guardian Spears, nemesis force halberds with built-in bolters. They're as hardened against corruption and psykers as grey knights, and the Chief Custodian is the size and strength of a Primarch.

