The Wargaming Thread

I almost went with an Egyptian theme. I was going to do light blue and yellow armor bits with silver joints and use hieroglyphics on the destroyers and Monolith, but then I decided I didn't want to spend that much time on sculpts that I do not think are that great anyway.
Fair enough. Mine started with blue armor and silver joints. I realized this looked pretty gay so I switched to dark green and dark red, then to grey. The grey ended up looking great, but I still have some remnants from my colorful period. I also fucked up a few destroyers and put the bodies on backwards :blush:

As soon as I get it back from the display case at my buddies shop, I want to put up a pic of my legendary Rampaging (or frolicking as the joke goes) Chaos Dreadnought of Doom!
Really nice looking warriors Evil. I like the non-silver/brone tone on the metal.
I need a camera, so I can put up some pictures of models too (especially my homemade teutonic knight in green stuff \m/).
Anyways, I'll put up those instead because I have them online. Warhammer deamon drawings. :p


Hope they show, not sure if you are allowed to link to deviantart.
Very nice. You nailed the pose on the Greater Demon.

Favorite Chaos god anyone?

I was a Khorne fan to start with, but the last few years I have been a fan of good ol' Papa Nurgle. I love the idea of some grotesque hideously diseased jolly old santa type figure who loves and takes care of all his sick deformed minions.
Either tzeentch or nurgle. I do like the foetid blobby appearance of nurgle forces, but I can't paint green worth a damn, which is why my nurgle army looks so horrendous. I'll have to give it another paintjob someday. But no time soon.
As for tzeentch... anything goes. Which is awesome.
Tzeentch is nr1 I guess (suprise!). I really like the rainbow colour scheme and lots of mutations. Never been a fan of big brutes like Khorne either. Slaanesh is nr2, not sure why. Something about pink chaos warriors appeal to me. I like my chaos when they are so fucked up and totally random not stereotypical evil. That's why Aekold Helbrass is one of my favorite characters. Everywhere he walks flowers pops up. :D
Tzeetch is definitely cool. I like the decadence of Slaanesh, and the old Khorne fluff was much better that the new. Back in the day when Khorne worship was about honor and skill not just blind blood rage. I thin kall the gos hae interesting characteristics. I really love GW fluff.
Heh yeah, most old fluff were better then the new. Mostly because it was alot more in depth. Nowdays most things seams too sterotypical and one sided, which is really a shame.
GW is sliding down the pooper imo.

They are trying to cater to a younger audience and don't seem to care as much anymore.

sadly, t'is true. I stopped buying White Dwarf after it turned into a lifeless product catalogue.
Thankfully, there are still many armies that have not yet been ruined. Orks, for instance.
I have a heavy metal themed ork force. I figured that this race, obsessed with violence, fast and loud vehicles, leather, studs, and boozin', was only missing one thing, which was some very loud, brutal and heavy music.
Thus, Da Metalhedz tribe was born.

I'd post pictars, but my army is 500 miles away in a different country at the bottom of a box. :waah:
sadly, t'is true. I stopped buying White Dwarf after it turned into a lifeless product catalogue.

Ugh, have you seen the new painting tutorials they feature now? They are AWFUL.

I still remember my first White had a lovely section on Imperial Guard veteran squads that were custom made and a battle report featuring *shock horror* people's actual armies! And a goddamn army building log from an actual person with his own army.
White Dwarf is most definitely a disgrace now. There is nearly nothing of interest or anything worth reading in any of them. It used to be great and i would look forward to it each I flip through it and look at the pictures at the shop and don't bother buying or reading it.