The Wargaming Thread

Aha, another thread I really shouldn't have missed. I've collected warhammer, both fantasy and 40k, for 9 years now, and my list of armies amounts to an impressive:
tyranids 2000
eldar 1500
daemonhunters (radical + puritan) 1500
khornate 1500
tzeentch 1500
nurgle 1500
and 2500 orks

orcs and goblins 2000
vampire counts 2000
chaos undivided 4000
skaven 800 (gave up on them, just toooo annoying)
and lastly 2000 dark elves.
Wow, nice collection. I would love to collect more fantasy but no one around here plays it much. Everyone is so horny for 40k...which leads me too...

I love the hobby but I am in a frustrating position right now. There are so many good game systems out there with great models that I would love to play, but everyone I know is caught up in GW (40k mostly) fever. GW is not the be all end all of table top gaming! They are great for getting into the hobby and have provided me with countless hours of fun, but come on try something new I say!!!

This is not directed @ anyone here, just friends of mine.
Yeah, I would like to try out some of the other tabletop games. The problem for me is that I have alot of other hobbies (MtG, modeltrains, WoW, board games, etc.). So I don't really have time to get to know another game and other rules. Whit GW I already know so it is easy to pick it up after a break or so. The GW worlds is also some of my favorites ever and I think the rules are nice so I'm happy with it for now. :)
I would love to try a historical wargame though.
I too have had an increasing interest in looking into historical wargaming. They are often times more difficult to get into with many source books. Often times the company that makes the rules does not have its own miniature line and you need to find your own fitting mini's as well. That and some knowledge of the history involved is a definite must. Of course there are more accessible historicals such as Flames of War.
That era is just really popular. There are tons of cool historical systems cover most eras you could think of. I would love to play a civil war era game. I think that would be a lot of fun.
Most eras covered by the Age of Empires games would be fun imo.

The 30 years war would probably be my favorite though. Mainly because it is one of the few wars that Sweden was a force to be reckoned with. : d

I'm not really that interested in more modern wars like WWII, but I would no doubt try it out.
At the end of the game the americans would show up, shoot two germans, and claim they fought the whole war singlehandedly for centuries to come!
So The Warstorewas having a clearance sale on some Urban War models to make room for new merchandise, so I ordered an army box of the Viridians faction. I am not going to play the game most likely, but I liked the models adnt eh normally $70-$80 box was going for $35. It should be here today or tomorrow. I am excited.

Here is a picture so you can see the models. That is the 170 box. I got the 300 box so it has more mini's than that but this was the best pic I could find.

edit: Just checked Package tracking. It arrived at the town about 10 miles away at 4 a.m. so it should be here today. hooray!
Man, I love looking at this fucking thread. Keep going guys! Even though I don't paint or play any wargames, it was interesting to me for a time...