The Wargaming Thread

One of my most epic moments involved chargin all of my Khorne Berzerkers forward and summoning 18 daemons and a greater demon in the middle of he central building and engaging in combat with no less than 5 Space marine independent characters,including multiple special characters.

That and marching a squad of 8 chaos marines 4 feet across the table and blasting the RavenWing Chapter master to death as he got caught in the rubble of a collapsing building.
For those of you that know how the point system works,over the course of the day, there was approx. 50k-65K points a side.
!!! That is epic to the max. How large table did you use?

Biggest game I have played is 12000 points in fantasy (it was 1on1 though :P). It was really boring because we used standard size table, 4'x8', It's the only one I've got a home, so it was cramped to the max and you could hardly make any tactical moves at all.
It's annoying that you need to primer them before you can assemble the weapon thing. Besides, they look kinda lol with them, ever tried to paint them yourself instead?
Been playing 40k since 2nd edition (1995, I believe) with a large array of armies:

Blood Angels - 3000pts
Imperial Guard - 3000pts
Space Wolves - 1000pts
Eldar - 1000pts
Orks - 1000pts
Tau - 500pts
Tyranids - 500pts
Lost and the Damned - 500pts

I also have a few Fantasy Beastmen, and I used to play Necromunda, Gorkamorka (best game ever), Inquisitor and Blood Bowl. I even have some Lord of the Rings models, but I never played with them.

I also play WW2 games with some of my friends (nerds in denial, basically), usually taking the side of the Allies (Russians or British mainly).

My painting skills are slowly creeping above average now (after lingering in the 'gopping awful' camp for a VERY long time), and my playing skills are decent enough to win my fair share of games.

I'm a bit too nice when I play though, and I won't use underhand tactics or combos to beat my opponants. I prefer to win by merit of tactics rather then 'omg 3 falcons n harlies!' style of gaming, which frankly just bores the pants off me.
Yeah cheesy armies are just boring to both play with and against. Except for the combo cloak of mist and shadows + hand of dust in 5th edition fantasy, that ruled. ;)

Nowdays I'm starting empire and I wont use either Hellblaster or Steam Tank, both are just boring and over the top. I'm also using crossbowmen instead of handgunners because they are cooler. Never been a big gunpowder fan in fantasy.
Well, after many weeks of having my Necrons assembled I am just now starting to paint them. Here are a few shots of the Scarab swarms I have done. The color in the pics is a little off. You can even see a difference between the two pictures, but you get the idea. I went with the standard color scheme as this is meant purely as a gaming army and therefore the quality will be strictly tabletop. I want the paint job to be simple and easy, so I can get playing with a fully painted army quickly.

I must agree.

Did you tint them bronze, or is it just some odd shade of boltgun metal?

Damn light trickery
I started to get into this a few years back but it's just way too expensive and with my music and DVD collecting, it's hard to throw in another hobby.
The way I painted them is:

1. Paint scarabs with thinned Boltgun making sure to leave the black showing through in the lower areas.
2. Use thinned Chaos Black to do a wash over the entire body.
3. Use a mix of thinned Flesh wash ink and thinned Chestnut Ink to do another wash.
4. I was not quite satisfied with the color at this point so I did a pretty heavy wash of the thinned Chaos black and the flesh/chestnut ink.
5. Color all the eyes Dark angles Green, followed by Snot Green and then a mix of Snot/goblin green.

For the bases:
1. Drybrush Codex Grey, followed by Fortress grey and a very light pallid/rotting flesh. Not sure which one atm.
2. glue on Static grass and paint edge black.
Oh sweet, I didn't see this before. Not that I have anything much to show, as I'm quite lazy in the painting department due to videogaming :/

Have a recently constructed Baneblade anyway:

Imperial Guard ftw. I haven't got any Baneblade though. :|

Evil?: Nice looking scarabs. You did alot more job on them then I would do for "tabletop painting". I would probably just drybrush them boltgun and then highlight with chainmail och mithril silver, and maybe wash them before highlight if I wanted another tone. I would also only use two colors in the eyes. So creds to you!. :)