The Wargaming Thread

I would post some pictures if I had a camera that could show more then some blur.

I have done a Teutonic Knight in Green Stuff for a project in school some years ago, I have been meaning to borrow a camera from a friend and take some pictures of it for ages, never happened though. :(
Evil?: Do you post on Warseer? I was pretty active on Portent, but all the cool guys stopped posting when they closed. :(

Btw, that titan is well, HOLY SHIT!!

I have about 6 posts on Warseer. haha. I post as Paragon Belial.

You guys should post pics - maybe I'll post some pics of my few gay looking models ;)

Actually I don't have a camera :(

I was actually thinking about it. We have a digital camera lying around here somewhere but I do not think I have the cord I need to plug it into the PC. maybe I will get one. I am going to see if I can paint my entire Necron battle force over the course of next Friday and saturday and posting some in progress pics would be fun.
I have about 6 posts on Warseer. haha. I post as Paragon Belial.
Heh, me too got 5 posts I think, it's kinda funny on portent I mostly posted in the random musings section about metal. Here i post in the wargaming thread. Offtopic is the shit. : d
It's funny you shoulf mention Portent. I used to lurk around there when it was still active. I was out of the hobby for a few years and I jsut checked if it was still there last night. I was bummed to find out it wasn't.
It's funny you shoulf mention Portent. I used to lurk around there when it was still active. I was out of the hobby for a few years and I jsut checked if it was still there last night. I was bummed to find out it wasn't.
Yeah, its sad. I posted there alot. The guy behind it couldn't manage to run it anymore. They started Warseer instead which is essentially a copy of Portent (but in blue), but most of my favourite posters/friends there stopped posting efter the switch so so did I. : d
Here's a good story.

One day a few years ago the local gaming store ran this big competition. You got 500 points or something like that and you then had to navigate through a series of boards until you reached the final one with a huge demon represented by the LotR Balrog. There must've been 50 people playing. I had a Lord, a few destroyers and some Immortals I think.

Well I got through the first table easily because we all banded together to get to the teleport point. The second table was tougher because you had to fight off not only demons, but the other players. I made it to the teleport point by moving my destroyers 12" and then charging 6" at a demon right next to the teleport point. Big bases ftw.

So I'm on the final table with the Balrog. He has pretty much max stats. Some idiot engaged him with Striking Scorpions so me and everyone else had to wait until they were dead. Finally the demon killed them and everyone let loose. I managed to inflict the final wound and slay the beast. Who says Necrons aren't good guys. Lot's of fun.
Nice! I really like comming up with scenarios and a cool story to why it is happening. I can imagine that destroyers are good in that kind of game!

So whats you guys favourite unit in 40k and fantasy? Based on any criteria you want. :)
I have the dirty, grim, dark thing down pretty good but am limited in my skills when it comes to brighter colors or good highlighting.

I hear you there! I haven't collected for several years now (largely through expense), but I still love the modelling side of the hobby, and I'd be keen to paint some more up in the future.

I collected Tyranids first, then Space Wolves, but I am currently really into Chaos Marines (esp. Nurgle). Warhammer Fantasy has loads of great models too, so I would enjoy painting some of them up, though I've never played it.

Here is Logan Grimnar from my Space Wolves - it was one of the paint jobs I was more pleased with at the time, although I feel I could do a lot better now:


I didn't bother basing him properly as you can see. Experts might also notice that he doesn't have a proper cloak hanging down his back, as it has broken off and hasn't been glued back on for years!
IMO DV, basing makes EVERYTHING look a million times better. I pride myself on nice bases.

I am not sure what my favorite units are. I love all the random units in fantasy. Things like skaven and Night Goblins with fanatics! They are hilarious. One unit I always had enormous success with were my Geanstealers.
I hate fanatics! They destroy my knights. :( Speaking of that, Chaos Knights are the coolest unit in the game. I fell in love with them without knowing anything about them when I started playing (4th edition, when they looked totally lol with big mohawks and stuff, still cool though!) and still think they are the coolest. I mean how can you not like the new models. :p
In 40k it is harder, maybe Eldar Viper. I think Eldars tanks look alittle clumsy for being so swift ruleswise while the Viper has a very cool design.
Haha, Nagash ruled supreme. They have been saying that he will be back for 5+ years now, I wonder when (if) he finally will appear.
I hate fanatics! They destroy my knights. :( Speaking of that, Chaos Knights are the coolest unit in the game. I fell in love with them without knowing anything about them when I started playing (4th edition, when they looked totally lol with big mohawks and stuff, still cool though!) and still think they are the coolest. I mean how can you not like the new models. :p
In 40k it is harder, maybe Eldar Viper. I think Eldars tanks look alittle clumsy for being so swift ruleswise while the Viper has a very cool design.

Chaos Knights along with the newest Chaos Warriors are badass to the max!

Anyone here know anything about Warmachine/Hordes? I have been thinking of ordering some of the models because I like them. I would have no one to play around here, but I kind of want to put a force together.
I think Warhammer40k is fucking cool. I loved the RTS games on PC, my fave next to SC. The lore behind it all is good too, I would definitely grab a few books...

but the tabletop game you guys are talking about? wow... it seems kind of scary, if not weird. I guess I just have questions about it. How much have you personally spent on your stuff to date? How much time do you usually spend with it? And how long do games against people take... is it like, really violent chess?

Anyways, in regards to Vilden's question - (I never looked into Fantasy), so... Eldar are definitely my fave. Farseers kick ass.
Shit man, I have spent a crazy amount of cash on the hobby as a whole.

Games can last anywhere from an hour to all day. I took part in a mega game at my buddys shop a few weeks ago that went from Noon until about 3 in the morning when everyone called it quits.

For those of you that know how the point system works,over the course of the day, there was approx. 50k-65K points a side.