The Wargaming Thread

I saw this entry for a painting contest with the theme of OSL (object source lighting) and I just thought it was great and wanted to share it.

The piece has so much mood and atmosphere.

So I got the entire range of formula P3 paints for x-mas along with a bunch of Reaper Dark Heaven models. I primed 3 of them earlier today and hope to paint 'em up soon. I just went out and bought a new light for my painting desk too! This will be my first time using my p3 paints, my first time with my new kolinsky sable brushes, and my first time painting over a white base coat. It should be an experience. Wish me luck, 'cause you guys are probably going to have to look at them!
My first chaos warriors and chaos knights are painted along the lines of the red period. I love the big mohawks on both the knights and their horses back then too. :-D
(Yes my Egrimm has a red dragon ofcourse).
I painted up one of the reaper models I got for xmas. Very simple model, but I like the character of the sculpt. He will be getting a base in the future. reaper Dark Heaven models do not come with bases.

All of my pictures showing the front facing are blurry :erk:

Here is one of the better ones:

The rest:





The grey on his knee dried much thicker than I would have liked. :erk:
Lookin' to finish my new Lord of Change sometime this week. I'll post some piccies when I do.
The wings are a BITCH.

Some red Necrons


Necron wraiths and flayed ones


Necromunda figures. Guy on the left is a Goliath heavy and the guy on the right is a Delaque ganger


Goliath ganger. Not the best lighting, but I think this guy looks cool.


Imperial cruiser


Imperial escorts


Two Imperial battleships. They are so heavy that they cracked their flyer bases off.


Close up on statue/superstructure


Gun battery broadside :notworthy
I would really like to try BFG out, it seams to be really cool. But I know no one who plays it or would like to spend money on a fleet to try it out. :|
Speaking of BFG they should remake Man'O'War! Because old school ships are cooler then space ships. :p
BFG actually had interesting rules that made it a lot of fun. It was definitely not just Warhammer 40k with space ships. I found that with an Imperial fleet just concentrating one ordnance with the big ships would weaken the enemy enough for the escorts with more targeted weaponry to finish them off.
Nice models... but learn how to set up a simple lightbox. You just need a couple of pieces of plain white paper and a white wall. And a light.
Cool. What did you use for the tentacles?

After I assembled the model I glued a piece of left-over sprue to the ship and set the sprue on fire.:lol:

Some of the other ships had awesome looking tentacles hanging from the bottom. The fire method, though dangerous to the model created some nice effects.