The one song that represents Black Metal most for you


Jan 24, 2008
What is the one song that represents what Black Metal is all about according to your tastes. What makes it so?
For me its 1349's Hellfire(the song, not album)
The beginning of the song is cold and dark and I like how the tempo of the song is not ridiculously fast and the drums don't sound like a fucking barrage of bombs. Plus the fact that its also like 14 minutes long:kickass:

So what song is the most "Black Metal" to you?
I like so many sub genres or styles in BM that I can't pinpoint just one song, or even band for that matter.

If I had to pick a band, Elysian Blaze would come the closest.
Transilvanian Hunger carries just about all the aesthetics of black metal so I'm gonna go with that one.