The Opeth-ian trinity


Dec 21, 2001
The other day, I was reading over The Bible as I am wont to do during coffee breaks and lunch. It seems to me that nothing aids the digestive process quite so well as the collected works of intelligent scholars poorly translated until all the original meaning is lost. My own bitterness towards modern religion is neither here nor there though. It came to me during a passage on the trinity that perhaps Opeth was using highly advanced symbolism with their rhythm section.
To those of us Americans who have gotten into the band through the Roadrunner-era material, Martin Lopez is sort of like the holy ghost. He's a figure we've heard good news from but haven't seen and he's taken on different forms (Gene Hoglan for instance). Then there's Martin Axenrot who's this young turk spreading the news of Opeth to the current masses. And lastly you have Martin Mendez who is a constantly present figure who provides a major part of what makes Opeth work but doesn't always get that much credit. Therefore it's sort of like Lopez is the holy ghost, Axenrot's the son, and Mendez is the father. I think this ties into the overt religious themes of Ghost Reveries quite beautifully.

Anyone else agree?

Also, hello new friends! This is my first post here! I think that Ghost Reveries had to be the best debut of 2005!!!!!
:wave: we need more threads like this. Thanx

Ghost Reveries is Opeth's 8th album Orchid was the debut.
And Mikael is obviously the son.
I don't see how Mikael ties into this at all. I mean he's not a Martin and the whole trinity thing comes from the three Martins.

Also, are you serious? 8th?!?!?!?!? I mean not even No Doubt has that many albums!!!! They must all be on small labels?
kleo706 said:
I don't see how Mikael ties into this at all. I mean he's not a Martin and the whole trinity thing comes from the three Martins.

Also, are you serious? 8th?!?!?!?!? I mean not even No Doubt has that many albums!!!! They must all be on small labels?

Haha, yes I am serious. They have been around since early 90s. Debut in '94.

The answers you seek are here...
kleo706 said:
The other day, I was reading over The Bible as I am wont to do during coffee breaks and lunch. It seems to me that nothing aids the digestive process quite so well as the collected works of intelligent scholars poorly translated until all the original meaning is lost. My own bitterness towards modern religion is neither here nor there though. It came to me during a passage on the trinity that perhaps Opeth was using highly advanced symbolism with their rhythm section.
To those of us Americans who have gotten into the band through the Roadrunner-era material, Martin Lopez is sort of like the holy ghost. He's a figure we've heard good news from but haven't seen and he's taken on different forms (Gene Hoglan for instance). Then there's Martin Axenrot who's this young turk spreading the news of Opeth to the current masses. And lastly you have Martin Mendez who is a constantly present figure who provides a major part of what makes Opeth work but doesn't always get that much credit. Therefore it's sort of like Lopez is the holy ghost, Axenrot's the son, and Mendez is the father. I think this ties into the overt religious themes of Ghost Reveries quite beautifully.

Anyone else agree?

Also, hello new friends! This is my first post here! I think that Ghost Reveries had to be the best debut of 2005!!!!!

you obviously do not realize that the drummer is not a holy ghost of sorts, he a fucking fill in.

It's not a debut, either.

Nice first post. :headbang:
I'm one of those people who doesn't really dig on post-Morningrise Opeth. It just felt like they lost a lot of their hunger with later works and became FUCKIN' OPETH. The resulting sound's cool enough but not something I'm going to go spend $10+ on. Still, I did dig Ghost Reveries a bit more than the last one I listened to (the non-acoustic half of that two album experiment). In the end though, all that's stuck with me is that bit (possibly on grand conjuration?) where they found this horrid riff and proceeded to repeat it for a couple minutes. Ah well.

Oh and best album of 2005 stuff... I have -$6000 to my name at the moment but lean towards Novembers Doom-Pale Haunt Departure out of what I've heard. I always dug the band but felt they lacked focus and that kept them from making the album that matched their live presence. So I got what I wanted and then some.

You originally posted
Do you guys know each other.
Axenrot is the fill in and Lopez is the holy ghost. Stop misreading my shit and getting up my ass about it. And look if a band gets big the new fans will often consider the big album a debut. It happened with Marilyn Manson and an extended remix EP becoming the "debut." it's an innocent mistake. You don't need to get all elitist on me. I mean you guys should want Opeth to succeed and welcome those of us not so enlightened. My taste was all poppy then I heard Ghost Reveries and it changed me! Isn't that what you guys want? :(
Yeah. Laugh instead of answering my damned questions. I know nothing about Metal and am seeking help here!!!
You know a lot about Metal but have only managed to make 47 posts on a Metal forum?
What you're totally missing is I'm an evangelist and 4500 of these posts were at Black Metal fans to try and convert them to the path of Christ. Another 150 were about porn and the other 50 were hail marys to make up for the porn thing.
THIS IS NOT A JOKE THREAD! You guys are just looking for reasons to be pissed off and have decided we're all against you.