the Pronunciation thread


Some people say: Neck-row-fag-ist

Other people say:Neck-row-faj-ist.

I personally think that the second one is correct but yeah.... People here argue that its The first one... cause its "phag" which sounds like fag. Unless you want it to sound like Faj! :S oh god...

It's nec row fay jist. That is how you say phage. It's not something that can be argued.
unknown said:
the letter "C" in Irish Gaelic is pronounced "Kay" so you say it with the K sound
</irish lesson>
i saw scott ian from anthrax present one episode of headbangers ball&#8217;s &#8216;into the pit&#8217; many many years ago. he played a celtic frost song and said that tom g. warrior himself had told him on tour that he (tom) pronounced celtic frost with a soft &#8216;c&#8217; sound!