The Q/A Thread.

That's why i think animals like dolphins actually advanced way beyond humans several million years ago. They found high intelligence led to a shit life so they developed the technology to engineer their DNA to any form possible, destroyed their civilization and chose the most ideal form - one that swims around all day eating fish.Apologies to Douglas Adams.
That's why i think animals like dolphins actually advanced way beyond humans several million years ago. They found high intelligence led to a shit life so they developed the technology to engineer their DNA to any form possible, destroyed their civilization and chose the most ideal form - one that swims around all day eating fish.Apologies to Douglas Adams.

:OMG: I don't even know where to begin with this. Are you insane or something?
Okay here are the facts:

Wrap your theory into what we know to be true. Explain how they left absolutely no single trace of this ridiculously advanced civilization. Explain why they left themselves no defense against future advanced civilizations (like ours) which in their supreme intelligence they must have known would develop. Explain why, if they have achieved the perfect form, they continue to evolve. Let's just start there for now.
Okay here are the facts:

Wrap your theory into what we know to be true. Explain how they left absolutely no single trace of this ridiculously advanced civilization. Explain why they left themselves no defense against future advanced civilizations (like ours) which in their supreme intelligence they must have known would develop. Explain why, if they have achieved the perfect form, they continue to evolve. Let's just start there for now.

dude, i was joking.

in any case, dolphins are way smarter than i am so i can't really answer those questions. sorry!
Right. Everyone know it was the SNAILS that developed an advanced society only to abandon it.

Only this time, under the surface, a group of rogue snails are stockpiling anti-matter weapons to overthrow the world powers.
I just can't bite into the big bang theory myself. It just seems inconceivable to me that something so small, could "explode" into something so vast, and evergrowing. I mean I continually ask myself, "Well if the big bang theory is true, what caused the bang in the first place?" "What exactly was the matter/energy in itself prior to the "big bang" itself."

Everytime I think about the big bang, I always refer back to those two questions, along with many others. I honestly think that the big bang thing is just too simple. With the complexness of the universe, I think it would almost be an insult to believe that our entire existence is based off of something so simple.

I personally believe that humans, no matter how many years pass, no matter the technology, will never figure it out. I think that if there is really anything impossible, solving this question definitely is.
Whether or not you can fathom how the "complexness" of the universe came from the Big Bang does not change the fact that the Big Bang Theory is supported by the vast majority of physicists. And why is it an insult to have come from simple origins? Sounds fine to me. You sound like those creationists who say 'I dun know humans cam from monkeys'. And your scientific pessimism is unfortunate. I hope to continue striving for the answer.

I highlighted theory to show how well supported it is. Other theories include sexual reproduction and gravity

Does anyone think animals are more evolutionarily advanced than humans?
I know you are joking, but in many ways yes.
Whether or not you can fathom how the "complexness" of the universe came from the Big Bang does not change the fact that the Big Bang Theory is supported by the vast majority of physicists. And why is it an insult to have come from simple origins? Sounds fine to me. You sound like those creationists who say 'I dun know humans cam from monkeys'. And your scientific pessimism is unfortunate. I hope to continue striving for the answer.

Religion is supported by a majority of the human race, doesn't necessarily make them anymore right than me when it comes to my beliefs, or pessmism as you claim it to be. Consider me like Socrates, "All I know, is that I know nothing." The great thing about all of these debates is that, the big bang theory is just that, a theory, not fact. Which means it's ok to be "pessimistic" about it. It's ok to question it, or look towards other theories as to how our existence came to life. The only way you learn or develop your own belief is to question it. That's all I'm doing.