The Recommend A Metal Album Thread

bloodlust rampant said:
Is VDGG worth listening to? Also, Abigor - Nachthymnem/Enslaved - Eld = kick ass. not to sound like a complete noob, but how would i go about getting those two cd's without buying them online? there isn't a place in my area that would have "obscure" metal bands, and i don't really like ordering things online so yeah.

well, enslaved isnt all that "obscure". anywhere that has a decent extreme metal selection should have ELD. As for abigor...their material has been out of print for a while, but i beleive they have re-releases now, where they combined 2 of their albums onto each disc, so you get more bang for your bucks. I dont know where you would buy those without going online though, sorry.

and to answer your first question, yes...VDGG is very much worth listening to. Theyre far and above any heavy metal act any of these kids have recommended in this thread so far for sure. I just think it went over that kids head when he said it was terrible. But what is one to expect from a guy who lists a gimic semi/joke band like bloodbath as one of his favorite albums EVER, haha. Anyway, id recommend giving them a shot. Its an aquired taste, but its a delicacy once you develop it.
Procella said:
Maybe this:

Hmm I've just been listening to that & I really don't see what all the fuss is about. Nobody's Here is the only great song on it. This one is much gooder;

NineFeetUnderground said:
and to answer your first question, yes...VDGG is very much worth listening to. Theyre far and above any heavy metal act any of these kids have recommended in this thread so far for sure. I just think it went over that kids head when he said it was terrible. But what is one to expect from a guy who lists a gimic semi/joke band like bloodbath as one of his favorite albums EVER, haha. Anyway, id recommend giving them a shot. Its an aquired taste, but its a delicacy once you develop it.

kids kids kids kids kids. You aren't much older than these kids yourself in all probability! Even if they are 15+ thats still only about 5-6 years difference. Just because people like music that you think is a joke doesn't make them a kid, obviously. You should act your age, 22 going on 222 or whatever it was. ;)
King Size said:
Hmm I've just been listening to that & I really don't see what all the fuss is about. Nobody's Here is the only great song on it. This one is much gooder;


So listen again...
'Ocean Machine - I haven't heard that, but I think it's intresting too, as all Devin's music.
Psycroptipath said:
i fucking got pawn hearts cos someone (you) said it was in their top three albums of all time and its possibly the biggest pile of shit album ive ever heard. Sorry if you like it and im not having a go at you but i jsut cant see how an album with at least 2 (i only listened to 7 of the 8) songs that go for roughly 5 mins (Diminutions and Angle of Incidents) that arent even songs, they're jsut noise, can be one of your all-time favs. For me an all-time favourite album has to be one where all of the songs are awesome, such as Still Life for one example (others are Versus the World, The Odyssey and Ressurection Through Carnage).

so yeah sorry just wanted to have a rant cos that album pissed me off to the max.

You didn't happen to notice that tracks 4-8 are BONUS TRACKS? The original album consists of only the first three songs. And I wouldn't judge many albums by the first listen, it took me a while to get into that (and many other) band/album. But I guess if you just can't stand it, well, your loss :)
vampyrouss said:
kids kids kids kids kids. You aren't much older than these kids yourself in all probability! Even if they are 15+ thats still only about 5-6 years difference. Just because people like music that you think is a joke doesn't make them a kid, obviously. You should act your age, 22 going on 222 or whatever it was. ;)

kid is just a word i use when referring to young people. but have it your way, ill refer to everyone else as "young man". but ill still call you "kid" i think it would only make sense given the circumstances.
Sure thing pops. So you would refer to yourself as a kid too given that you are a young man also? Well whatever the term a lot of kids here don't have superiority complex issues which I can only say is a good thing ;)

Yeah, I guess it's not metal, but it's dark. And I don't care if it's not underground, heavy, black, grim, <whatever other adjective here> for anyone else, I highly recommend this album and all Mr. Doctor's stuff. You want atmosphere? This is your album.
vampyrouss said:
Sure thing pops. So you would refer to yourself as a kid too given that you are a young man also? Well whatever the term a lot of kids here don't have superiority complex issues which I can only say is a good thing ;)

well, when chicken shits like you cant seem to get over such trivial terms such as "kid" in an obvious fit of inferiority...its hard for me not to have a superiority complex isnt it? maybe if you stopped whining after every single post i make about me not giving you 3 gold stars for the day for being a moron, i might treat you with some respect. grow some balls....kid.
I would recommend Machine heads "The more things Change" album. It is just great to go insane to. A lot of fans will say "Burn My Eyes" is better, but I disagree.
everyone here should have this album in my opinion

Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath

but if you looking for something newer check out Mayhem's latest, Mayhem - Chimera
annt said:
You didn't happen to notice that tracks 4-8 are BONUS TRACKS? The original album consists of only the first three songs. And I wouldn't judge many albums by the first listen, it took me a while to get into that (and many other) band/album. But I guess if you just can't stand it, well, your loss :)

no i didn't notice that. and fair enough bout the first listen thing, i will have another go at it. but u can see where i'm coming from can't u? with those two tracks i said?

@NFU im sorry my opinion doesnt coincide with yours and you are obviously all-knowing when it comes to music but i reckon VtW and RTC are fuckin sic albums, maybe the musicianship and skill isnt really really advanced but who gives a fuck i reckon all the songs on them are awesome.

Its about taste, not which album is better so fuck off.