The Recommendations Thread

that's exactly why we should believe him, he would know gay when he sees it can't be:OMG:

Fuck that, Pink Cream 69 pretty much win in that department.

They're the STRAIGHTEST band name ever. Good band too.

For fans of Agalloch, Anathema, Amorphis, etc, other good bands that start with A :lol: - SCULPTURED. Trust me. Mostly it's the "other" version of Agalloch members.

I recommend Dan Swanö's solo album which basically sounds like a mix between Opeth and Nightingale. But better. Omg.

Moontower? HELL YEAH. Odyssey is good too, and most everything Dan does :lol:
now THAT's my kind of question....

For Holdsworth, check out his live album "All Night Wrong". That one's probably my favorite of his. Wardenclyffe tower, 16 men of tain, and hard hat area are also all good starting points. However, he does have a "best of" album out now, though i can't remember the title of it.

As far as Lane goes, Powers of Ten would probably be the most obvious one to reccomend. Powers of ten live is also really good and probably easier to find. The Tritone Fascination is really good too. As a whole, his stuff with Jonas Hellborg is the easiest to get ahold of, but I haven't listened to any of those albums in their entirety so I wouldn't know which of those to reccomend.
Hey everyone, I wanna know which albums by these two men I should get first... Also, if there's any similar guitarists I should check out... (Prog/Jazz/Fusion sort of stuff...) Thanks :)

For Allan Holdsworth I think Hard Hat Area is the album for you because you're a prog/fusion guy and with all the heavy experimental fusion you like you'll probably love this. The album is hard to find because it's out of print but you can order it here

And for Lane, I'd also reccomend Powers of Ten as it has some of his most classic material, including Grand Painos Flying. It's out of print but you can still find it on ebay for reasonable prices. But I personally think his best playing was with Hellborg, in specific, Temporal Analogues of Paradise and Personae, but all the albums they did together were brilliant. Listening to Lane's live improvisations changed the way I view guitar in terms of emphasis on improvising... Temporal Analogues of Paradise is a great example of this. But Personae is probably the best starting point for first time Hellborg/Lane listeners.

Similar players.... Mike Stern is often mentioned alongside them and Greg Howe and Scott Henderson (I think you already know those guys.)....
If anybody wants a good power metaly shreddy band/cd, check out Nocturnal Rites - The 8th Sin. Rocks nads!

(Not to be confused with Black Metallers - Nocturnal Emissions)
To all you Kamelot fans,

I'm saving up for all the killer CDs coming out soon, and I have enough to get one CD right now. I've heard great things about "Epica" and "The Black Halo," but would you hands down pick one over the other if you had to make the choice? I have "Karma" and it is freekin' AWESOME! Thanks in advance.