The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Came back from Helsinki today on the afternoon, visited my sisters...and spend some time with my friends this evening. Im a bit tired so of course I open the computer...
Think I might actually go to the doctor today... When I cough it feels like I ate sandpaper... Not pleasant.

Better get it done now before Obama tries to destroy the nation, all hospitals, and use up any medical resources in the country to put the elderly to death for being old.

Talked with my cousin about next year and studying after graduating upper secondary =feeling like worthless piece of shit
Better get it done now before Obama tries to destroy the nation, all hospitals, and use up any medical resources in the country to put the elderly to death for being old.


It's not only us that is going to have a problem because of his dumbass, it's going to be the world. Every country is going to end up turning on us and raping us with missiles and disease lol. Maybe I should move to canada lol.
Are you one of those redstate people who actually believe him to be a Syrian spy, and that his health care plan is going to ruin America?!? :lol: