The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Yeah, that's the kind of stuff that here, at least you can't have any issues with. Broken limbs get treated fast, effectively and don't put you in the hole one penny.
haha, what a joke.

Medicare does not control the cost of medication and other drugs. The market is hyper-inflated

Medicare cannot negotiate better drug prices with drug companies.

Why are there are NO price negotiations between Medicare and the drug manufacturers? This is the reason the prices on your prescriptions have gone up so drastically over the last few years. Medicare should use its leverage, 44 Million Beneficiaries, to negotiate better prices. Instead, the government gave the insurance companies and drug manufacturers a blank check so that they could charge us as much as they pleased. You can only wonder how much money the drug and insurance companies must have contributed to political election campaigns. If you are still under the impression that we don’t need government regulations to stop corporate greed, you must be a CEO with your head in the clouds on your private jet.
:lol: Dude it's like $200 for an ambulance :Smug:

wwwahhhhhaat!?!?! Do they think its a good idea, having Taxi's cost way less :lol:???

Also, I do think your story just has to do with overcrowding from a major location (and I assume you are fully covered due to school). I'm only half covered right now. I don't know what that means, but I can only visit my dentist once a year for checkups and pay for everything else (or im supposed to, same dentist whole life he don't give a fuck what I do).
Yeah Joe, it's probably your location... I had a sprained foot this summer and I waited for 6 hours at the hospital, which IMO is pretty good since I was pretty much at the bottom of every fucking list since my life wasn't threatened. If I had been in Montreal, I would probably have waited 12 hours.
Longest wait for me was 6 hours at the downtown hospital here. After we moved we used one just before the next little suburb, where I think I waited 2 hours on New Years day with a measly broken finger, and maybe 3 hours with my injured leg...which I have the pics of somewhere.
Well, woke up too late this morning/noon, I should've been in Århus today, but it was too late and I'm feeling sick. I've had nausea since I woke up ..
A friend of mine will be here tonight, and then we have the house all alone. I'm too weak to do anything so I'll just order a pizza or something tonight.
Oh topic.
Decent day, I drove basically all around Toronto delivering inflatable carnival rides to private birthday parties for really rich kids.

Highlight included one women who locked her baby inside her BMW, kid sitting there holding the car keys, and shes standign there trying to tell the kid to unlock the door, when the kid has no idea wtf is going on. I like how she said he locker her out, when its difficult for a kid in a car seat, in the back, to get a hold of car keys without some help.

Also, there is apparently this Travel Lodge in Richmond Hill (richass suburb of TO), where a lot of hookers get killed, and one of the rooms is reportedly haunted. Locals all know about it, and there have been news stories on the place. I was outside the Travel Lodge with a hooker ghost :cool:.

Edit: Other highlights inluded getting 4 hours of nothingness, and hanging out downtown toronto, followed by 20 min of work, and then anoutehr 3 hours of nothingness...and my brother's girlfriend's parents lived int he area so we went over for BBQ, Beer and Cake...all on while still on the clock :D
Its my old job, I got fired last year but the boss (ex-local tv clown) is desperate for more workers, because hes a dick and anyone who isn't a crackhead has quit on him. Its those inflatable bouncy castles, and other related shit. Deliver them, set them up, sometimes sit outside and watch them (which I never do anymore, a condition of me 'helping out').
Yeah. This is one we did a year ago :D.

He didn't, and its not that you don't like him, its that you don't like him6 for dumbass reasons.

It's funny you say that, because I didn't actually give any of you much of a reason as to why I didn't like him. I gave you a very summed up idea of my opinion. But hey I probably don't know what I'm talking about anyways, since my opinion is different than yours and his huh?