^ Probably. "Mesdames et messieurs la Cour : le Roi !"
Is there anything to explain ?

Well actually that's just an accumulation of stupid things they can think about... Yesterday, they voted a law that punishes illegal downloading. Way it works : you download Kill 'em All -> they find you (ok, this is NEVER gonna happend, but anyway) -> they send you a letter -> you download Ride The Lightning -> they send you another letter -> you download Master of Puppets -> they send you ANOTHER letter, but this time, that's the kind of letter you have to sign for (recommended, don't know the word) -> you download And Justice For All -> they finally shut down your internet access, including TV & phone.
So, it is already stupid ("you downloaded The Beatles, then you won't phone anyone again"), but there's ANOTHER retarded point yet : they didn't voted the law in its integrality ! They didn't authorized the government to shut down an internet access based on downloading, they're not able to do it. Which means they'll send you the first three letters, then... Nothing. Nobody knows. They have no other plan.
"If you download illegally, you'll receive 3 letters, and then."
How retarded is that.
Second : the first born son of our King.. herm, President has decided to be candidate to the presidence of an economic pole of the government. I don't know what kind of thing it really is, but it's not something easy, belive me, it must me as hard as a minister job. Problem (besides the fact that his nomination "wouldn't have been based on his father's position at all") : he's 23, and he doesn't have ANY diploma yet. He's 3 years late on the usual cursus, he's been arrested (but obviously relaxed) two years ago for driving his 125cc into a car and running away, he's just a jerk. Ok, he decided to cancel his decision, but still, I've read in the news that even Chinese people were making fun of us because of him.
Third : a former TV presentator, who used to make a wildlife-style show (the guys who do rafting, crossing deserts, natural adventures...), is now an ecologist activist and funded a political party, obviously a "green" one. He produced a movie to prevent people from the ecological disasters on Earth (like An Inconvenient Truth, which was way better). It wasn't enough that his movie is pathetic (opposed in all ways to technological progress, capitalism blah blah blah), but also his fucking movie is sponsored by : the national electric company, L'Oreal, a nuclear treatment company, a gas station, and the national train & the national highways company.
I can't stop thinking about a nutrition and fight-against-obesity campaign endorsed by Burger King.
And I have more and more, but I guess nobody ignores how much France sucks. I'd like to burn this fucking country to ashes.
Anyway, it's better today, since I spent the afternoon at a Miles Davis exposition, which was totally awesome.