The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Do it and like it or just leave it.
God, fuckin idiot, whining about getting drunk alone,that's pathetic.not getting drunk alone.
ahhh ok, never mind. i was a bit exaggerating but if you place that mic straight to the speaker the sound will always be a bit piercing. I dont like sm57 s that much, I use a sennheiser 606 and I place it between the center and the right side of the cone, turning it a bit towards the center.
ahhh ok, never mind. i was a bit exaggerating but if you place that mic straight to the speaker the sound will always be a bit piercing. I dont like sm57 s that much, I use a sennheiser 606 and I place it between the center and the right side of the cone, turning it a bit towards the center.

thats what i did, just that its just 2 cm away from the cone. is use the sm57 for the treble part of the sound (its a mix from direct, sm57 and sct2000). Well i like it =)
ya dude, that's cool, acutally the tone can be cool but it would rather fit to my blues post rock that to a bodom cover,that's maybe why I didnt like it or thought it didnt fit.
But I think it's cool that you're experimenting with different mics, I have to save some money to get a secound mic for my isolation cab.
I just googled your t.bone mic,that's a pretty expensive one for t.bone (and even tube?!), is that a great mic to get? Because I can't spend 1000 of euros for a good condenser mic but I don't trust those t.bone things :lol:
ya dude, that's cool, acutally the tone can be cool but it would rather fit to my blues post rock that to a bodom cover,that's maybe why I didnt like it or thought it didnt fit.
But I think it's cool that you're experimenting with different mics, I have to save some money to get a secound mic for my isolation cab.
I just googled your t.bone mic,that's a pretty expensive one for t.bone (and even tube?!), is that a great mic to get? Because I can't spend 1000 of euros for a good condenser mic but I don't trust those t.bone things :lol:
man i would never change that microphone, its just pure awesomeness really. and yes, its a tube mic.. its awesome for recording voice, and awesome to add something of it to the guitar sound in conjunction with the sm57.
well I just envy you for the fact that you can have some studio in the attic.
At home it was never a problem to play guitar or drums or record vocals, my parents support me when it comes to music, but since I moved out I have some guitar studio(isolation cab,audio interfaces,mics,mixer,good headphones all tube amps and soon some hardware fx) in my room but if I record bands I have to go to my Band's rehearsal room.So it's always a mobile studio which sucks. And having an isolation cab is cool on the one hand, but adjusting the mics is a bitch if youhave to open it, place mic, close it again and again,
well I just envy you for the fact that you can have some studio in the attic.
At home it was never a problem to play guitar or drums or record vocals, my parents support me when it comes to music, but since I moved out I have some guitar studio(isolation cab,audio interfaces,mics,mixer,good headphones all tube amps and soon some hardware fx) in my room but if I record bands I have to go to my Band's rehearsal room.So it's always a mobile studio which sucks. And having an isolation cab is cool on the one hand, but adjusting the mics is a bitch if youhave to open it, place mic, close it again and again,

yes i know what you mean... well the attic is not 100% isolated but its isolated enough to record pretty good. sure its not sonic pump studios but still i get the quality i want :) again ill announce my album when its done and THEN you can judge my sound :D

what kind of amps do you have btw?
Well I got a Laney 50Lhr and a Fender Blues Jr, you can see them on the pic ,together with the rest of my still not built together studio (except for my 1000 useless and awesome fx pedals :D )

not that metal but i like their sounds.
ive got the same peavey mixer :D i also have a fender deville 4x10 edition for bluesy things =)

ok i think its time for me to leave this forum again for some months :lol: