The return of the "How are you today?" thread

@Zakk: Beautiful, beautiful singing, congrats!
"Il tuo fedel sospira ognor, ceeeee-ssa crudel tanto rigor!"
I used to sing this one too and it's such a lovely piece. Keep up the great job! =)

Fucking loooool :lol:

:lol: Fucking LOL'd so loud at 7a.m., Only been up 9 minutes. Feels good man.
I'm pissed off by the "DOWNLOADING IS ILLEGAL, YOU'RE A THIEF, YOU BREAK THE LAW, I'M JUDGE DREDD" thing going on the net. Yeah, I break the law, and so what?
Technically you're not a thief, because you're not stealing the actual album. You steal the songs, not the disk with the songs. The taken songs aren't a graspable(?) material, for stealing there needs to be something that's materialised in order for you to steal it. In fact, if you burn a cd, you most likely payed for the empty cd's, which have an copyright-tax included in their price. So in definition, you did pay for the stuff you have, being... a bought recordable disk. You didn't really steal, because you payed for it. You are in the wrong for breaking the law on copyright, by not asking permission to take the stuff, but it's not stealing, hence you can't be a thief.

... and everybody yells at me saying "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DIE"
what a horrible thing to say :p