The return of the "How are you today?" thread

A most beautiful day in Beijing today. It's like I"m in the STALKER universe, and we just had a blowout. The visibility is 50m, and breathing in equals a pack of cigarettes. Fucking beautiful.
Hello everyone. Haven't visited Cobot in a while. But now I'm back, I think.
I got a job today, that was kind of cool, so, in a few months I'll start working for ThyssenKrupp Elevators. Looking forward to it.
How are you guys? Any news?
Hey, I havent been here for a while either, been busy trying to find a job and get things together. Today has been a good day though, very productive.
Hello everyone. Haven't visited Cobot in a while. But now I'm back, I think.
I got a job today, that was kind of cool, so, in a few months I'll start working for ThyssenKrupp Elevators. Looking forward to it.
How are you guys? Any news?

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I'm a level 80 paladin motherfucker
How does this relate to the global warming idea? =


I'd think this was common knowledge by now seeing how often i see someone "pointing this out"; this isn't LOCAL warming, that's a local issue generated by the GLOBAL warming of the whole planet, more warming = more violent/dynamic weather

theres more to it than that but i can honestly not be arsed lecturing on this, read up on it bro.