I just spent about 30 mins reading pages from 2007 in the Own Pictures thread. I LOL'd my fucking ass off, no lie.

I'm a level 80 paladin motherfucker

I just spent about 30 mins reading pages from 2007 in the Own Pictures thread. I LOL'd my fucking ass off, no lie.
I'm a level 80 paladin motherfucker
... I'm about to get banned from the Porcupine Tree board =D A dude even said "Unfortunately, this is a public place, but you don't deserve to be here". Oh my, I'm gonna exile and live my last days alone in the desert. Internet is serious business.
I'm pissed because of this:
More or less. What I like on COBOT is that you can write anything you want, gross, legal, illegal, immoral, whatever. If I wanna type "I SUPPORT CHURCHES BURNING AND ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING AND THE AVERAGE PROGRESSIVE ROCK FANS ARE TRUE FUCKERS", I can. That's the beauty of it.
Unfortunately, that's not everywhere. I just wrote "I understand kids with no money stealing or downloading music, they can't afford it so they do whatever they can to listen to it", and everybody yells at me saying "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DIE, CRUCIFY THE HERETIC".
Sometimes I wish people had a real life.
IDK. I guess that's specific to prog rock fans. Those guys still live in the 70's. I think I hate them.
Hehe, i agree with you though, i mean fuck there are artists today(mainly Devin Townsend of those i know myself) that even condone downloading illegally of their albums. Usually they acknowledge how many fans they've gained through downloading(personally I probably wouldn't have been into Devin Townsend, and probably not metal or any of the music i listen to today, like Dubstep and such if it werent for downloading), and appreciate it. I've bought more albums after downloading than not, and from what I've understood of recent surveys, i'm not the only one. People who download, generally buy way more albums than people who don't. Besides, in the end, its about the music. The industry may be "dying"(though i doubt this), but music will never.
I should change my user name, now that I'm not a teenager or a fagot.