Oh don't get me started about Dracula's castle.Pah, you guys got Dracula's castle, that's cool enoughI want to visit the Romanian mountains once. They're drop dead gorgeous.

About the second part of your post, that's true, the nature COULD be really beautiful here, unfortunately tourists don't give a damn about it and you can find junk, leftovers and campfire remains all over the place. One can actually admire the scenery from a distance, but whenever you wanna go hiking or just strolling around the woods, you always come across stuff that SHOULDN'T be there.

First of all, I think it also depends on the entourage and the social circles/environments you spend your time in. One can't really compare a train station or some random neighborhood at night with the environments a student should be frequenting while in a foreign country. But well, this is a double-edged aspect anyway, since I suppose your friend also had to stroll the city at night now and then, so that's not such a valid argument at all.In my experience, the Finns respect other ppl, a friend of mine studied a year in Helsinki and has the same opinion.
And when in a foreigncountry and I say I'm from the Netherlands, the first thing I hear is ''Oh do you have weed??''
Concerning the "weed" thing, that's just something every nation has to confront though. Like Romanians with Dracula/Ceausescu/epicpilesofshit, France with romance and cheese

I think you kinda gave an answer to it yourself. I don't know about other places, but at least here, teenagers, male ones especially, are not really the "highlights of society". Yes, they do lurk around at nights, they speak loudly, they do drugs in public etc. They pick on the girls too of course, and they don't need to wait for nightfall to do that. Of course, that's not a consolation for you or anyone who's upset because of the same reasons, but I think it's not 100% necessary for people to be Turks/Moroccans/Zimbabweans/minorities in general in order to do that.there were huge groups of turkish or moroccan youth at that trainstation.. Screaming and just hanging around and bothering ppl..
I know it's just one group, but it makes you suspicious about all of them in the same age and the same behaviour.. the macho attitude..
Romanians do it too.

Nah, going back to seriousness, I think it happens in most places. It's good that you've never heard of similar stuff happening in Finland, but you can never know what other problems there might be there.

this.We idealize countries we like before actually living there for a good period of time which means finding a job, an appartment, dealing with the administration (is that correct?), and as polite as ppl can be, you'll always be a foreigner for them...
1. I'm Turkish, therefore 200% subjective.

2. Fatass post.