The return of the "How are you today?" thread

My dad "caught" me watching SB when one morning when I was 15, and bought me a spongebob accessory every year for christmas untill I was 20.
Car air-freshener and my backup PC mouse are only thigns left. The mouse would be permanent but it has no mouse wheel, so fuck that. Jellyfish buttons though.

anyway, my roommates whent clubbing, but I cant afford it tonight, so i pre-drank with them so it wouldnt just be them two. So now Im drunk and smoking a bigass shisha bowl alone D:
Im doing pretty well today but Im quite excited (and a bit nervous too) cause its my first day at work. And I absolutely hate it when my stomach reacts to things like this. So feeling nervous = feeling sick...
One of the only violent, engaged, subversive, irreverent, impolite and stading against the government newspaper here stops printing due to financial issues. This country sucks, I hate it, I plan to set it on fire and destroy everything here.
One of the only violent, engaged, subversive, irreverent, impolite and stading against the government newspaper here stops printing due to financial issues. This country sucks, I hate it, I plan to set it on fire and destroy everything here.

make your own journal
One of the only violent, engaged, subversive, irreverent, impolite and stading against the government newspaper here stops printing due to financial issues. This country sucks, I hate it, I plan to set it on fire and destroy everything here.

But you never plan to leave :p?