@Lussi: Grrrr, sucks to hear that. School can be such a bitch sometimes, keeping my fingers crossed everything turns out well. 
also, @Muffin: THANK YOU.

also, @Muffin: THANK YOU.

One of the only violent, engaged, subversive, irreverent, impolite and stading against the government newspaper here stops printing due to financial issues. This country sucks, I hate it, I plan to set it on fire and destroy everything here.
One of the only violent, engaged, subversive, irreverent, impolite and stading against the government newspaper here stops printing due to financial issues. This country sucks, I hate it, I plan to set it on fire and destroy everything here.
After over 9000 calculations and fuck ups, I finally demonstrated linearity of the Lorentz transformations. Woohoo!