The return of the "How are you today?" thread

THE BAD IS BAND NEWS FOR LEGS :kickass: :u-huh:

I'll delete this quote if you delete the post, no one has to know it happened.

And it was actually the fault of Moonsorrow this time, someone landed on his leg and the knee bend the wrong way. It was fucking huuueege swollen. Lack of Excision means more money for Alcest next friday. I also had to help him walk home that night, which was akward seeing as hes almost double my size (it was Corpsegrinder from Sonata, lawl).
Ghost stories tv show "Haunting" is on. Babies are being bothered by spirits, priests perform exorcisms in pentagram drawings and people sleep in super-lit rooms.
The amount of fake is unbearable.
I feel fucking awesome, bsst i've felt in a while. My band got into the final of the battle of the bands today which was really unexpected! Feels good.
Ugh, that totally sucks.

Since my inner clock insists on waking me up at a quarter to seven at the latest no matter when I have gone to bed, I'm tired today and not really motivated....

my clock is pure evil too, i feel your pain :(
Ugh, that totally sucks.
Yeah it does. Right now I'd have been on my way to the airport.... sitting here and drinking too much beer instead :(
Our friends we wanted to go with will come around tonight instead, we're gonna celebrate our mess with beer :lol: When we're lucky we'll be on our way tomorrow... let's see.
Thank God I'm not stuck at some shitty airport though.
Thank God I'm not stuck at some shitty airport though.

That. My aunt's husband went to Portugal and couldn't come back with the flight he had initially booked a ticket for, 'cause the destination was Germany and then another plane, so he got a different ticket, through Italy or something. Fortunately he only had to stay there an extra night or so. Hope you get to Egypt soon, though. :)

Also, they're trying to scare our asses off with all the stuff they're telling on the news, about how extremely utterly dangerous the cloud is and how it's gonna cover our country completely by 6 pm AND DON'T GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSES UNLESS YOU WANNA GET TESTICULAR OR BREAST CANCER, yadda yadda. :goggly:
I guess one night at the airport was bad enough for him! So I'm glad I'm at home at least.

Well, I believe that sooner or later we're gonna die of cancer anyway, if not by some accident :lol: So I don't see the point in all that hype, either. OK I really don't want to be in the air right now with this thing around, but I definitely don't care about the ashes down here. So much dirt and stuff flying around, that doesn't make a difference I think ;)
Also, they're trying to scare our asses off with all the stuff they're telling on the news, about how extremely utterly dangerous the cloud is and how it's gonna cover our country completely by 6 pm AND DON'T GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSES UNLESS YOU WANNA GET TESTICULAR OR BREAST CANCER, yadda yadda. :goggly:
Whaooo, in France they're like "the cloud is definitely not crossing the country, everybody's safe, there won't be any consequence at all..." just like they did with the Tchernobyl could.
My friend is stranded in hong kong because of the ash cloud, we've all all convinced him on facebook that it's raining fucktons ash and people can't breathe :lol:

feelin' good, got myself ultra perma-banned at the esp forums, fucking hated that place so much.

You've that said you like it there before?
Just finished playing Super 4, FUN FUN FUN.

But making the transition from pad to arcade stick is not an easy one. Other than that, I'm good.

Bought this and watched it last night, enjoyed it muchly.

Then went ahead and posted in the wrong thread this morning. GG