The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I was just about to ask why you are hang over because I always thought you don't drink:D
hung over as fuck, shaking, feel sick... haha this is why i dont drink. amon amarth was good though.

I told some weird guy in his 40s about Eluvietie years ago, and he was shitting his pants over that show. I met him from going to celtic music shows advertised on facebook, where he was the random group leader :/

I'm stuck in London taking care of some unfortunate family business, I'm going to give them a google, maybe they're here tonight :lol:
I was just about to ask why you are hang over because I always thought you don't drink:D

On occassion I will :lol: I just ate waaay too much before bed which I guess absorbed the alcohol and kept it in my stomach longer. After I projectile vomited a few times into the toilet I was good to go :lol:

And Ryan, the show was good except for that band. Vocals too low, guy was going mad with a flute that you couldn't hear. Might as well have been an air guitar contest because it was fucked. Aw well, Amon Amarth was actually fucking great.
Well, to other germans or other people in general I may sound like a n00b but wtf, mozart had a some song called *lick me in the ass*?! :lol:
oh for fuck sakes, this keyboard has an alt key function for holding shift, and I cant turn it off. instead of the slash and question mark, its é and É.

And Ryan, the show was good except for that band. Vocals too low, guy was going mad with a flute that you couldn't hear. Might as well have been an air guitar contest because it was fucked. Aw well, Amon Amarth was actually fucking great.
Its opera house, has to be expected. The sound guys there are fucked if a band shows up and its more than 3 members.

Actually if you stand near the sound guy it can be nice, but that leaves 80% of the venue stuck with shitty sound.
I really really wanted to go see that amon amarth/eluveitie show. Especially for eluveitie. But I have always heard that their live sound is fucked 'cause the FOH guys don't know how to balance all the different instruments. =\

I'm doing kinda shitty, but not too bad. I just laid my bike down for the first time ever. I was only going like 12 mph, and I'm not sure how it happened, really. The back tire definitely slid out on me in the middle of the turn. Good news is that the damage is incredibly minor. A scratched spot on the muffler, mirror, and a grinded down slider. And the foot peg also broke off. But yeah, I think the only thing I need to actually do to the bike is replace the slider and the peg. And my backpack 'cause now it wont close. So I rode home with one arm behind my back trying to hold all my books in the backpack. Gay. Then when I got off the freeway, I got pulled over by a cop. So, over all, a shitty night to be riding my motorcycle, I guess.