The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Because I have a pretty specific major (It's probably going to change, but whatever) and they have this scholar's program that lets me practically design my own major. It was just a good fit :) And the community is really nice
Mi chiamo Elmas. C'e un poco strano il mio nome, perche in realta, sono turca e alcuni anche credono ch'e un nome per uomini ma che puoi fare. :lol: Grazie per chiedermi. Certo che non c'e nessun problema in chiamarmi cosi. :)
Come mi sento bene quando scrivo in Italiano in altri thread. IL SPAM. <3 :lol:
Spero che sarai cosi bene come sei ora per moltissimi altri giorni, Eli. :)

Ah, non sapevo fossi Turca... pensavo venissi dalla Romania!

E comunque piacere di conoscerti, Elmas. ^_^

Oh sì, anche a me piace questo tipo di spam... bwahahah!!!

E ti ringrazio tantissimo, spero che quel che mi hai augurato si avveri. Spero anche tu stia bene e starai bene! :)
I hate this life with a burning passion.
I come home super tired, sleepy as fuck, I go to bed, doze off for like 5 minutes, some shitty neighbour starts drilling his wall. He stops, I go back to sleep, I receive an sms. Ignore it, AGAIN, try to sleep and doorbell rings. Electricity money collector.
I hate this life with a burning passion.
I come home super tired, sleepy as fuck, I go to bed, doze off for like 5 minutes, some shitty neighbour starts drilling his wall. He stops, I go back to sleep, I receive an sms. Ignore it, AGAIN, try to sleep and doorbell rings. Electricity money collector.

Welcome to the Club, i'm the president. :(
Stonewoman needs a long vacation to Cancun :)
Actually I take that back, the beaches of Cancun are infested with Mexicans trying to sell you jewelry