The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I woke up to a thunderstorm last night, scared the shit out of me.
Then I realized it was just my roommates watching Baraka, and I had fallen asleep in the living room :/
Exhausted, birthday party for my grandma and grandpa, turning 70 and 80 years, respectively. I love using my suit, but i totally need to get a pinstriped one as well, plain black is so boring. My feet are killing me :(
Pinstriped suits are boss, my dad wears them all the time, last time I went to get a suit my dad took me and ended up convincing me to get one, with shoes that look just like his :lol:
I'm bored... Went home to my bf yesterday and I was really happy to see him and was in a good mood cus I thought we would do something fun. Get drunk, out partying, have crazy sex or whatever, but we did like, nothing :/ Or, we did have sex tho, but.. Yeah.
Sometimes he can be really boring. Either way, he's gaming on his computer or he's playing guitar. I feel like I've experienced that enough in the past, and I don't need another guy just like that. Now I'm planning to watch a new episode of The Vampire Diaries and then maybe go for a run outside : ) And we're btw, invited over for dinner at my cousin Jack and his wifes house tonight ^^ That'll be fun.
I'm bored... Went home to my bf yesterday and I was really happy to see him and was in a good mood cus I thought we would do something fun. Get drunk, out partying, have crazy sex or whatever, but we did like, nothing :/ Or, we did have sex tho, but.. Yeah.
Sometimes he can be really boring. Either way, he's gaming on his computer or he's playing guitar. I feel like I've experienced that enough in the past, and I don't need another guy just like that.

Well, dump him then?
I'm bored... Went home to my bf yesterday and I was really happy to see him and was in a good mood cus I thought we would do something fun. Get drunk, out partying, have crazy sex or whatever, but we did like, nothing :/ Or, we did have sex tho, but.. Yeah.
Sometimes he can be really boring. Either way, he's gaming on his computer or he's playing guitar. I feel like I've experienced that enough in the past, and I don't need another guy just like that.
Yeah it sounds like a lot of fun :erk: dump him ASAP, you can do way better !!! He's hot though, too bad..
Doing pretty fine, right now Im checking some laptops from internet. Gonna buy one for myself during this spring. Right now Im thinking if I should get Asus or some cheaper one (like Acer, with no guarantee if its going to work less than 2 weeks) Of course there are other options than just Asus and Acer.