The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Just you, and not the MILLIONS of people in your country that don't have those extra dollars. Your healthcare system is there to kill off the poor, and drain the rich of their wealth.

I'm not seeing the bad part in this anywhere. If we didn't have dumb ass people that come to this country, have 8 kids, and then not want to work and try to collect welfare we wouldn't be in this mess. This place is way more overpopulated than it needs to be. Also, the poor wouldn't be getting any better of healthcare is what alot of people don't realize. Our "Free" healthcare we will still be getting taxed out the ass for. Nothing is free.
I don't doubt it, but our traffic here is quite literally at a stand still in some places. Humans just as a species do everything in excess, including reproduce, and that's about .01% of the reason the world is fucked up.

The other 99.99% is our fault too though pretty much.

wu? are you f***ing kidding me?
Uhmm... No?

You've never been here have you? I believe that Europe is overpopulated, but all you're doing by saying that is justifying my point more. I don't think people need to count on the government for fucking everything.
I don't doubt it, but our traffic here is quite literally at a stand still in some places. Humans just as a species do everything in excess, including reproduce, and that's about .01% of the reason the world is fucked up.

The other 99.99% is our fault too though pretty much.

Uhmm... No?

You've never been here have you? I believe that Europe is overpopulated, but all you're doing by saying that is justifying my point more. I don't think people need to count on the government for fucking everything.

Traffic =/= population, are you that fucked? No, you aren't, you're a troll.

Posting dead cats in the funny thread.
Attempting to start a ragewar over guns/self defence. (epic fail bro).
Making a Television thread, despite not watching television.
Claim its due to the fact you see a lot of movies, yet starts the topic of television.
Claiming the American Health Care system isn't the one of the worst of the developed world.

b-b-b-b-block list.
Traffic =/= population, are you that fucked? No, you aren't, you're a troll.

Claiming the American Health Care system isn't the one of the worst of the developed world.

b-b-b-b-block list.

No, but it's pretty common knowledge that where more people are there are more cars, the same way I know that Miami is more populated than Orlando. It's not a rule that traffic is a direct link to population, but it is a fairly good reflection of population in some circumstances.

Also, yeah our Healthcare system may not be the greatest, but we've got it alot better than a good majority of countries around the world. People always find a small area of things to bitch about, especially when it comes to money. It's not the governments job to fix you up when you break an arm or something, or atleast it shouldn't be unless it's a case where you are injured serving your government. People need to quit being lazy now days and take responsibility.

and lastly...

Great success? I don't know.
Your healthcare system is utter bullshit, I don't know if you're arguing against that out of blind patriotism or of you're just a fucking idiot. But I prefer to know that if I crash my car and break my skull, I'll be able to get immediate emergency healthcare and not have to pay for it. That's a basic human right.
Which are minimal costs guarantee that if at ANY TIME I suffer from an accident I'll be able to receive immediate treatment. Something as basic as healthcare should be provided to all those who need it, not just those who happen to have the right amount of money on them at the time when they get shot in the face. Well done, you live in a morally wrong society, congratulations you fuckwit.
I'd rather spend a few extra dollars to walk into a hospital and get immediate treatment than wait a few months. That's just me though.

Just you, and not the MILLIONS of people in your country that don't have those extra dollars. Your healthcare system is there to kill off the poor, and drain the rich of their wealth. You obviously either live with your parents, or are living off their money, someone like you wouldn't understand...this is a topic for grown-ups, sorry :(


FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Literally just happened to me, only instead of 6 months they told me "we have no idea, we'll call you...but it will take months"

:lol: Yeah I know shitsux.

I don't think people need to count on the government for fucking everything.

:lol: Nice troll. If not troll, please read up on some John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Marx, Rousseau and Rawls... it will give you a slight sense of how society is supposed to work (from a variety of different opinions).

:rolleyes: uneducated Amurikans.

Traffic =/= population, are you that fucked? No, you aren't, you're a troll.

Posting dead cats in the funny thread.
Attempting to start a ragewar over guns/self defence. (epic fail bro).
Making a Television thread, despite not watching television.
Claim its due to the fact you see a lot of movies, yet starts the topic of television.
Claiming the American Health Care system isn't the one of the worst of the developed world.

b-b-b-b-block list.

You know what is totally fucked. I had him on my ignore list for months. I forgot why, unblocked him and I've been getting trolled since :lol:

Also, yeah our Healthcare system may not be the greatest, but we've got it alot better than a good majority of countries around the world.

It's not the governments job to fix you up when you break an arm or something, or atleast it shouldn't be unless it's a case where you are injured serving your government.

But it's their job to pay for your education?? To send police to your house when your dad beats your mom?? :lol: I'm just pretending you're not a troll now because I'm bored.

FYI There is a forum member here who had a brother break an arm and caused the entire family to go through financial burden in order to pay for the treatment. Life is unexpected, so how the fuck is it fair. You're not complain abotu the government blowing money on stockpiling weapons or all the other useless bullshit they waste on, but helping hardworking people isn't ok. :lol:

Your healthcare system is utter bullshit, I don't know if you're arguing against that out of blind patriotism or of you're just a fucking idiot. But I prefer to know that if I crash my car and break my skull, I'll be able to get immediate emergency healthcare and not have to pay for it. That's a basic human right.
Pssst, they don't get that yet. Let's not forget a big portion of the USA's population believes Jesus is coming back to the earth soon. Look it up.

You are still paying for it regardless through taxes yearly is what you people don't seem to realize. But okay.
Paying money to help myself and others in my country... not a good thing at all.