The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Healthcare isn't a right, it's a privilege..

I was waiting for someone to come out with that sentence. So being able to get your face sewn back on after getting shot by a cokehead with a 9mm is a "privilege"? There are things called "accidents" by the way, in civilized society people should be able to have access to treatment regardless of the financial standing.
I was waiting for someone to come out with that sentence. So being able to get your face sewn back on after getting shot by a cokehead with a 9mm is a "privilege"? There are things called "accidents" by the way, in civilized society people should be able to have access to treatment regardless of the financial standing.

You can be pretty thick sometimes brah :p
I was waiting for someone to come out with that sentence. So being able to get your face sewn back on after getting shot by a cokehead with a 9mm is a "privilege"? There are things called "accidents" by the way, in civilized society people should be able to have access to treatment regardless of the financial standing.

Yes please do

That's why there's so many weirdos in your country :lol:

Troll'd by the most obvious sarcastic post I've ever seen :lol:
Well in this countries reform, it places the burden on the tax payer to come up with the means of paying other peoples medical bills i.e. people without fucking jobs. The HNIC should be the one covering the uninsured, not me. Do you understand my friend? Wellfare, social security, now this?

I wish i lived in a Socialist country like Greece, i could retire at 50 from sweeping hair in a hair salon and collect a check from the government each month while i sip Mojitos and finger fuck my male cousin in the ass on the beach. Sans the Mojito, those are gay.
Well in this countries reform, it places the burden on the tax payer to come up with the means of paying other peoples medical bills i.e. people without fucking jobs. The HNIC should be the one covering the uninsured, not me. Do you understand my friend? Wellfare, social security, now this?

I wish i lived in a Socialist country like Greece, i could retire at 50 from sweeping hair in a hair salon and collect a check from the government each month while i sip Mojitos and finger fuck my male cousin in the ass on the beach. Sans the Mojito, those are gay.

Be careful, your neckbeard is starting to show
Disclaimer: This will be a long post.

Ok, so a couple of weeks ago, someone relentlessly kept hacking into my Facebook, harassing my friends, defaming me, and talking to people about very inappropriate things. I notified Facebook, changed my password a million times and whoever this person is continued to find ways around it. So I was just like whatever, fuck this and permanently deleted my account. So then a while later, I made a Twitter account cause I was just bored really. And whoever this person has gotten into my Twitter and started harassing my friends and I. I'm sorry and I know that this isn't any of you guy's problem, but I just don't really know what else to do to make sure my stuff stops getting hacked in to. I know nothing of computers or hacking or anything like that. There is alot more to this story, but I really don't feel like typing it out, plus I'm new here so you guys will probably flame on me enough for this post anyway.

But if anyone has advice or something, it would be greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: This will be a long post.

Ok, so a couple of weeks ago, someone relentlessly kept hacking into my Facebook, harassing my friends, defaming me, and talking to people about very inappropriate things. I notified Facebook, changed my password a million times and whoever this person is continued to find ways around it. So I was just like whatever, fuck this and permanently deleted my account. So then a while later, I made a Twitter account cause I was just bored really. And whoever this person has gotten into my Twitter and started harassing my friends and I. I'm sorry and I know that this isn't any of you guy's problem, but I just don't really know what else to do to make sure my stuff stops getting hacked in to. I know nothing of computers or hacking or anything like that. There is alot more to this story, but I really don't feel like typing it out, plus I'm new here so you guys will probably flame on me enough for this post anyway.

But if anyone has advice or something, it would be greatly appreciated.

You're obviously new if that's your idea of a long post.:lol:

In all seriousness though that really sucks. Some fuckers don't know when to stop.
Defamation of Character has prison time, usually around 1 year max and a fine. You can even sue, but i don't know where the fuck you live. Just contact facebook and twitter, and fill out a police report.(If it bothers you that bad) I know people who have gotten myspace to find IP addresses, and have brought them to the police to track them and press charges. It costs a lot of money, an amount never disclosed to me personally, but it can be done.
Re-install your operating system completely. You've probably catched some spyware (key-loggers etc) and I personally wouldn't trust anti-spyware/anti-virus programs fully.

I don't know how I would have even caught some spyware. My laptop has been fried for over a year now. The only computer I ever use is the desktop that I have at work and I can't even use Facebook or Twitter here. This forum is the only thing I have that hasn't been hacked into yet. And it has to be the same person doing this because they keep saying the same shit. I have no idea what to do. I'm really worried that this will be the next thing hacked. And whoever it was that did this, also made two seperate accounts on here the day that I signed up, THEY FOUND ME THE DAY I SIGNED UP ON THIS WEBSITE, and messaged me, again from TWO SEPERATE ACCOUNTS, asking for nudes and shit. WTF????
Oh shit. Flo, do you think it has something to do with that /b/ page we found that tracked everyone's IP address? Or something similar?