The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Re-install your operating system completely. You've probably catched some spyware (key-loggers etc) and I personally wouldn't trust anti-spyware/anti-virus programs fully.

Its definitely not spyware, spyware doesn't want you to know shit is fucked, so they can continue to sell your data to whoever wants it.
Try a re-install of windows, but it might not be enough.

My friend had his WoW account hacked, he had blizzard renew the password and did a full format, and it was hacked again (repeat one more time, including the format). He doesn't use that laptop for anything online anymore. Its more than likely someone you know, or some random kid just fucking with you... In which case Macharius would be right, you can get this dealt with legally.

Fun note, the last time my freind had his account re-newed, he had to spend like almost an hour on the phone yelling at Blizzard over this. They renewed his account, then the next day renewed it again. All his characters had Double gold, and double all items and EQ, including bank...and he has two max level alchemists :p He's sitting on over 50k gold with nothing to do with it.

You're obviously new.

I have no computer to use that I can re-install anything. The only computer I use is the one at my job. Facebook and Twitter are blocked on here. So I have no idea how to fix it at all because it's just keeps happening time and time again.
Its more than likely someone you know, or some random kid just fucking with you... In which case Macharius would be right, you can get this dealt with legally.

Would it be too much of a coincidence for all this to be happening when my roommate who is non-stop trolling on forums, WoW and NORML's facebook page, just told me to kill myself?

If you want specifics, message me. I know he was behind one of the accounts that messaged me on here, so I'm trying to be very vague with all the info I put on here. I won't be able to get back to anyone until tomorrow, because now I'm leaving work and won't have access to a computer until tomorrow morning.
Would it be too much of a coincidence for all this to be happening when my roommate who is non-stop trolling on forums, WoW and NORML's facebook page, just told me to kill myself?

If you want specifics, message me. I know he was behind one of the accounts that messaged me on here, so I'm trying to be very vague with all the info I put on here. I won't be able to get back to anyone until tomorrow, because now I'm leaving work and won't have access to a computer until tomorrow morning.

It was probably him. I can help you out.

nudes first.
Well then, my work terminated me and gave me no notice.
They apparnetly though I was dead. Now I'm stuck with dealing with a union to get back a job I hate.
...Or I go get another job I fucking hate somewhere, with no good, solid references from the past 5 years now.

Lame, I'm trying to find a job at the moment as I've got 4 months of summer holiday before Uni starts again and no money. My old job won't take me back as they've just hired loads of new staff and don't need me, and it seems everywhere I ask isn't hiring. Trying for a temp position at some office just doing basic admin shit, boring but good money. 3 days a week, £9 an hour, fucking hope I get it.
Ive been trying to fight for the job back, all day actually. I cant leave because I need to keep calling them back and/or waiting for someone to call me, and I really want it taken care of before weekend.
Thats my excuse for having a COBOT window open for 6 fucking hours now ;_;