The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Started working out again. Nothing too extreme, just different variations of pushups, situps, and leg lifts. I usually try to work out for about an hour and then jog for about 30 minutes after. If anyone has any advice for working out that doesn't involve me having to buy equipment, I'm all ears. I usually just drink a big glass of milk before I start and eat alot of peanut butter. Seems to be working though, I'm sore as fuck at the moment and I can already see a fairly noticeable change in my muscle tone.

That aside, went to see the new Transformers. Everyone else loved it. Me, eh. Idk. They only killed off half of the cast in it. I must say this one is the grittiest and most violent so far. You see a person get cut in half, people being disintegrated, exploded (chunks and all), and just in general some really crazy stuff. Anyways, yep, kind of disappointing for a Transformers fan, but it could have been worse I suppose.
u shud try creatine bro its like legal steroid it werks good brah
My ex roommate did creatine, I tried it a few times.
Actualyl if you take it properly, it does work. He was wired with energy, would go to gym 4-5 hours a day. Guy went from 250lbs January 2010, down to 180lbs a few months ago, and stats are somthing like 225lbs Bench, 380squat. I'll see if I can dig up before and afters :p.

But no, expensive, and when I did it I had trouble sleeping, was wired all the time.

Edit: Best I could find. But hes gotten more cut recently.

Vortex shirt confuses technology.

Started working out again. Nothing too extreme, just different variations of pushups, situps, and leg lifts. I usually try to work out for about an hour and then jog for about 30 minutes after. If anyone has any advice for working out that doesn't involve me having to buy equipment, I'm all ears. I usually just drink a big glass of milk before I start and eat alot of peanut butter. Seems to be working though, I'm sore as fuck at the moment and I can already see a fairly noticeable change in my muscle tone.

Edit: oh, and now that I went and made a vinaigrette again. You'll need a wisk to reall mix it up, and you'll need to add some sweetener to it, or it will taste way too strong. So, sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup...I used honey.
Sounds good actually, thanks for the link Ryan. Those burpees sound like they're worth a try, I'm going to do a week of all of this stuff and let you guys know how it goes. The upside down pushups is going to be hard though :P
@Brent: Burpees are an epic warmup, good dynamic movement and stretch.

I too went in the gym today, have been told that I have absolute perfect squat form by gym trainer who is world champion powerlifter, feels good man. But dear god my arms are on fire.

Have a sugar based sports drink before your run

You completely lost me somewhere, are we competing for sadness or something lol?

Well oh yeah, when I was 5 I wanted a red bike. I got a blue bike.

The sugars wont have digested and been put to use until after your workout is done, if you are drinking one in the middle of a workout. The rest you take to drink is what gives you the energy. Its good to take a break half way through and continue.
You completely lost me somewhere, are we competing for sadness or something lol?

Well oh yeah, when I was 5 I wanted a red bike. I got a blue bike.


I mean shit I got a bike from the most cheap supermarket in Norway that cost like nothing. It was famous for being ridden by culturally enriched foreign people of other shades of color, so I had to pretend I was super excited and stuff :( The bike really sucked too.

I guess a run is too aerobic? I find half way through weights a sports drink does give me a bit more energy.


He's like 11 he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Omar isn't it your bedtime now or something? Let the adults talk, go to your room.
The sugars wont have digested and been put to use until after your workout is done, if you are drinking one in the middle of a workout. The rest you take to drink is what gives you the energy. Its good to take a break half way through and continue.

I mix up a glucose creatine pre-workout drink and have half before training, I sip water between sets.

Half way through the workout I'll switch to the leftover drink and sip it between sets and I do notice more energy than when I have just water. My rests between sets are the same length.

I usually save a bit for after the workout to replenish.

Works for me.

whatchameansadness? my post had a smiley :mad:

You're fooling no one. Either way, don't let that shit get you down, times are tough right now, but aren't they always I guess? You just have to have the willpower and know that atleast some small percentage of your applications might get reviewed and maybe land you a job.

The sugars wont have digested and been put to use until after your workout is done, if you are drinking one in the middle of a workout. The rest you take to drink is what gives you the energy. Its good to take a break half way through and continue.

Like I said before, I just drink alot of water throughout my exorcise routine to try to stay hydrated. And, as mentioned before, I try to eat a large PB&J before hand with a large glass of milk. I also started that Prison workout thing today along with my 30 minute jog and typical inclined push ups, leg lifts, and shake weight. Needless to say, I feel like death. Feels kinda good none the less though :)

I mean shit I got a bike from the most cheap supermarket in Norway that cost like nothing. It was famous for being ridden by culturally enriched foreign people of other shades of color, so I had to pretend I was super excited and stuff :( The bike really sucked too.

I remember when Mongooses were like the coolest shit ever, and every kid had one. I never did get my parents to buy me one, but one day I found a broken down one with a missing pedal. I took my old bike and used it for parts, sanded down the mongoose to give this nice polished steel look and then clear coated it. Shit was sexy. I was a badass 10 year old.