The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Who's to say he wasn't intuitively/subconsciously trying to cure himself?

His system may very well have noticed some beneficial effect from the ingredients in the hot sauce and then set itself to crave it in order to feel better?

Just a thought.


Here's a better one, don't speak bullshit unless you have the evidence to back it up.
Who's to say he wasn't intuitively/subconsciously trying to cure himself?

His system may very well have noticed some beneficial effect from the ingredients in the hot sauce and then set itself to crave it in order to feel better?

Just a thought.


Just the thought of being physically addicted to food from taco bell because your body wants to cure itself with the hot sauce is just..awesome
Vacation all I ever wanted!

There is NOTHIGN to do at work anymore during the summer. All I do this week is sell Hotdogs at a LaCross game, in a very overdressed uniform. Last week we were slammed with a half-time rush of like 15 hotdogs.

So I renewed my Gym membership. All my lifts are down to a disgusting amount and I've gained more weight than I thought I had. Painful wakeup call.

Quinoa and Tuna for lunch for a while.
Here's a better one, don't speak bullshit unless you have the evidence to back it up.

When women are pregnant they intuitively crave the food they require for survival.

There was also an experiment where they had a table full of natural & healthy food. They put a group of 10 year olds in front of it and asked them to choose whatever they wanted to eat.

They didn't all choose the same food but after analysis they discovered they had all chosen meals with their daily requirements for proper nutrition. Even at 10 years of age humans have an innate sense of what their system requires even though they don't realise what's in the food they're eating.

Capsaicin in chili is known to kill cancer cells so who's to say he didn't feel slightly better after eating chili so ate more of it?

With the second part of the above experiment, they then added sweet and salty snacks to the table and the kids went for the snacks instead, throwing their diets right out of whack.

While that's a certainly interesting observation and thought, I wouldn't place too much weight on it until there are more studies done on it. One experiment isn't enough to rule out chance completely.

As for the capsaicin/hot sauce causing or curing cancer discussion: correlation != causation. And that goes to both sides of the argument, cause there's "proof" and anecdotal evidence for and against this, leaving it an unresolved mystery at best. And no amount of logical arguments are gonna bring anything new to the table
There was also an experiment where they had a table full of natural & healthy food. They put a group of 10 year olds in front of it and asked them to choose whatever they wanted to eat.

I know/knew some kids who wouldnt eat that shit until they get ronald's food.
Dude do you have some ("healthy") recipes-documents on your HD? (your how-to-slice-onion pic was epic, that'S why im a asking) I was looking for something new to try but I cant think of anything good :D
Dude do you have some ("healthy") recipes-documents on your HD? (your how-to-slice-onion pic was epic, that'S why im a asking) I was looking for something new to try but I cant think of anything good :D

I drew that myself when I was bored, didn't save it.

TO make a vinnaigrette, the ratio I was taught was 1part oil to two parts vinegar, then add in some flavourings and let it sit for a few hours.So I'm going to do Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar, and raspberries. The salad itself will be mostly chickpeas, navy beans, and im tossing in a ton of spinach and basil. With the balsamic and raspberry it should taste very sweet, then dumped onto some spinach it should work very well. Garlic may appear as well.

One I made a while ago was Olive Oil, rice wine vinegar, a drop of sesame oil (shit is strong tasting), lemon zest, and I think some fine chopped shallots. Just have to know what ingredients work well with others.

Eating healthy isn't a difficult concept, I'm just lazy and don't cook for myself that much anymore :p. I have to stop accepting the lunches that get prepared for staff at work. The ovens were all full so the chef used the deep fryer to re-heat the sausages one day. Damn they were good.
ryan, you should put some cooking tips on the youtubes then eat what you prepared off a hot girls ass then make money

I do need to do something along the lines. I keep my food away from bums though. You don't shit where you eat....or other way around.

The only time I do big-serious cooking at home is for my girlfriend, who is a lactose intolerant ciliac....:( I have this thing with stuffing all my meats with cheese, I don't know.