The return of the "How are you today?" thread

@Enmity: You should def see a doctor, but just so you aren't freaking shit out too bad what you described sounds kinda like a varicocese (sp?). Basically varicose veins on your junk. Not great but unless it's painful those aren't the end of the world. Like everyone says though see a doctor to put your mind at rest one way or the other if nothing else.
Yeah, I'm going to, it's just that I haven't been to a doctor in forever for any sort of routine checkup and I kind of have that mindset that if it's bad I almost don't want to know, but I'll end up doing it anyways. Shit just sucks though because I can't really afford to pay for any doctors bills and shit like that. I just started a new job, but the way shit like that is now days it can run you a few grand, and I'm lucky to see maybe 10 - 12,000 per year, atleast currently.
Shit just sucks though because I can't really afford to pay for any doctors bills and shit like that.

I was trying to bang this one new girl from my unit. Go figure.

A friend of mine just found out he's got stomach cancer. He's only 19 and I could understand if he has sarcoma in his stomach, but not full blown stomach cancer at such a young age. He's more of my brothers friend than mine, but he's already talked about not going through with therapy and dying instead. Something about his gf not being with him and chemo making him sterile -- i don't know. He's eaten like shit and had stomach problems as a result, like ulcers and bad gerd occasionally. I think he should fight it.

holy shit, how did he find out?
And what exactly is ''eating like shit''?
I'm yet to get a prostate exam, that's one I'd be a bit nervous about.

These days they first do a PSA blood test to look for Prostate Specific Antigens then if they find anything they do the DRE (digital rectal examination).

I can't really afford to pay for any doctors bills and shit like that.

One step at a time, you may only have to pay for a check up, it could very well be all clear.

holy shit, how did he find out?
And what exactly is ''eating like shit''?

He went to see his doctor and got the scan showing lumps up around the LES. And when I'm talking about "eating like shit" I mean he would buy a TON of Taco Bell, drown it, literally, with a whole bottle of hot sauce and that's his dinner. He could just drink bottles of Franks Red Hot when he wanted to, and even though he enjoyed eating like that, it took a toll on his health. :( It's not just the hot sauce, but It was a factor when considering his diet during that time.
I didn't say I love it here, I just said my pay sucks lol.

The Pay sucks for the majority of your country now, and its getting worse.

Good thing you have Private health care. We don't want the poor clogging up the hospitals with their leprosy and Testicular Growths hanging all over the place. The rich people can't be bothered to wait 2 hours with their paper cuts and sun-fatigue.

On the topic I've served food this week to some of Canadas weathiest people. Biggest name I can think of is a recent ex-PM. He enjoyed his Canada AAA beef!

But in general, Rich people can be so goddamn rude, uncouth, and sloppy with food. Its disgusting when you grow up with such privilege and you don't even know proper table manners.
It's not just the hot sauce, but It was a factor when considering his diet during that time.

I'm not sure if hot food would cause any harm, if anything it boosts your immunity.

hot peppers improve circulation and help to increase the absorption speed for the foods you eat with these chilies. They also help stomach aches, cramps, and gas. Capsaicin is a chemical found in these red chilies that relieve pain and itching

I could imagine it wouldn't be good if he already had an ulcer or such, it just seems like it may aggravate it.

i'm great, had my first rehearsal with my next gig, i'll be performing in about a half dozen shows for a theatre production playing music, pretty stoked. After that went to grandpas with my dad, and had some amazing ribs. Then I went to the city and saw Wynton Marsalis and the JLCO, which was fucking amazing.
He went to see his doctor and got the scan showing lumps up around the LES. And when I'm talking about "eating like shit" I mean he would buy a TON of Taco Bell, drown it, literally, with a whole bottle of hot sauce and that's his dinner. He could just drink bottles of Franks Red Hot when he wanted to, and even though he enjoyed eating like that, it took a toll on his health. :( It's not just the hot sauce, but It was a factor when considering his diet during that time.

Damn thats really fucked. So the doc even said it was a big factor (the food)? Shit man, I always got some minor complaints about my stomach, maybe I should go n see a doctor, hearing these kindof stories make me nervous :(
Damn thats really fucked. So the doc even said it was a big factor (the food)? Shit man, I always got some minor complaints about my stomach, maybe I should go n see a doctor, hearing these kindof stories make me nervous :(

Go see a doc man :(

On topic: Tore a muscle somewhere in my back and it hurts like a bitch no matter what I do :lol: Epic injury caused by my cat waking me up and scaring me :kickass: :erk:
I'm not sure if hot food would cause any harm, if anything it boosts your immunity.

hot peppers improve circulation and help to increase the absorption speed for the foods you eat with these chilies. They also help stomach aches, cramps, and gas. Capsaicin is a chemical found in these red chilies that relieve pain and itching

I could imagine it wouldn't be good if he already had an ulcer or such, it just seems like it may aggravate it.
