The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'll get to that eventually, I've heard rumors that coffee can be slightly corrosive and might end up eating through connections in the motherboard if i'm unlucky. Might as well take it apart and swab it down completely one day.

Then again, i don't imagine it happening anytime soon, and I wouldn't be too sad getting an excuse to buy a better model :loco:

Isopropyl is a standard in my home. 93% shit (we dont fuck around).
Keeps pipes nice and clean :p

Rum I also keep on hand. mmmm
I came back from a church fair thing (bunch of Baptists), had to put up with lists of things god is and isn't responsible for.
Such as:
AIDS -- to punish homosexuals. (or created by the government as a bio-weapon)
Cancer -- to punish "drug smokers"
Earthquakes and floods -- to punish atheists. ( I haven't been drowned yet, god...)

I can't even go on, I was gonna make this funny but I suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in my frontal lobe; it was the unmistakable feeling you get when you know that you just got dumber.*
had to put up with lists of things god is and isn't responsible for.


Got a new job at Wal Mart today. Not much, but it's better than the theater I was at. In other news, I'm pretty sure I have testicular cancer. Not a joke, and probably an odd set of people to tell but to be honest I'm afraid to approach anyone I know in real life about it yet :/
I'm pretty sure I have testicular cancer. Not a joke

Dude, get yourself to a Dr. a.s.a.p.

If you have a lump, it could be a cyst or something else insignificant but it sure saves the worry if you know for sure.

If it is and you leave it, it'll spread to other parts of your body .... I don't need to tell you what will happen.

I had a bit of soreness in one of them a few months back, it worried the hell out of me, went to a doc in a sex health clinic (the free clinics the junkies go to for clean syringes, AIDS tests, etc. all anonymous), he had a feel around ... nothing to worry about.

I'm afraid to even do that. I guess I'm going to have to man up and do it, but it's just a really scarey situation.

I don't mean for any of this be awkward and weird to anyone, but to describe it, on my left nut, the veins coming out of it in my sack are like swollen and sort of lumpy. Like if I grab the bit of it and look at it, it almost looks as if I have that's my actual testicle but it's not. It's like this big lumpy set of veins. I've googled it almost a million times and gotten the same answer each time :/
Dude, if you're afraid it might be cancer, not going to the doctor and finding out will only make it worse. Do it, as soon as you can. It's better to be sure and get treatment than to wait it out for it to metastasize.
S, you said that clinics would check things like that for free?

Check to see if you have sexual health clinics in your location.

Some are set up mainly for sex workers and junkies but anyone can use them, the one I went to is run out of a hospital close to the red light district.

Not sure how it is in the USA with your medical system but the ones here are free and anonymous in order to attract the right types, the aim is to stop the spread of STD's, STI's, etc. so they supply free needle exchange and condoms.

I've had what you describe(at least a completely identical case) and it wasn't testicular cancer.
Still, check with a physician, you never know :/
holy shit ask a doctor, the cobot med. team wont help you and if its cancer you will regret it if you dont see no doc.
Why would one be afraid to go to the doctor anyway!?

Its not like they're gonna just chop the thing off!

....Maybe :/

Still.. have you never had a physical where you have to show the doctor what your junk looks like? Its really not that bad. I'm yet to get a prostate exam, that's one I'd be a bit nervous about.
Wow, why in fucking hell were you there

I was trying to bang this one new girl from my unit. Go figure.

A friend of mine just found out he's got stomach cancer. He's only 19 and I could understand if he has sarcoma in his stomach, but not full blown stomach cancer at such a young age. He's more of my brothers friend than mine, but he's already talked about not going through with therapy and dying instead. Something about his gf not being with him and chemo making him sterile -- i don't know. He's eaten like shit and had stomach problems as a result, like ulcers and bad gerd occasionally. I think he should fight it.